Cesium: First TI-84 Plus CE Shell
Published by MateoConLechuga 9 years ago (2015-10-07T01:05:53+00:00) | Discuss this article

We're happy to announce that after a week of effort, the inimitable MateoConLechuga has created a TI-84 Plus cE shell. The original goal was to make relocatable shared libraries on the CE... but I guess I kind of got carried away. Here's a list of features:

  • Running ASM, C, and Basic programs directly, and they can be archived or not
  • [Un]Archiving, deleting, hiding programs
  • Catalog-like searching for programs for quick lookup
  • Ability to block the [ON] key when running Basic programs
  • Support implemented for relocatable shared C and ASM libraries
  • Customizable icons for all file types
  • Battery indicator and clock
  • Customizable colors/theme
  • Available French version translated by Adriweb
  • ...

CesiumOS for the TI-84 Plus CE

CesiumOS for TI-84 Plus CE

