STEM Behind Hollywood: Zombie Apocalypse Part 2 (TI-84+CSE)
Published by KermMartian | Discuss this article

Since the beginning of October, I have been creating TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition versions of Texas Instruments' STEM Behind Hollywood activities for the TI-Nspire. These exciting activities use pop culture elements like superheroes, zombies, crime scene investigation, and asteroid impacts to teach kids about math and science concepts. At the beginning of October, Cemetech presented Earth Impact! activity for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, and at the end of that month, we followed it up with Zombie Apocalypse Part 1 for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. I am proud to present the third activity in the series: Zombie Apocalypse Part 2 for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition.

In Zombie Apocalypse Part 2, students learn about virology, prions, titrations, acids and bases, and pH while trying to cure victims of a virulent "zombie virus". This activity follows a team of scientists battling the zombie outbreak from Zombie Apocalypse Part 1 as they try to understand the nature of the infection and design a cure. Students can explore two titration simulations that explore the effect of the molecular makeup of a solution on its pH, the effect of pH on protein folding, and more. A third simulation lets students investigate the effectiveness of different dosages used to try to cure zombies. This port of the Zombie Apocalypse Part 2 activity brings the excitement and education of TI's STEM Behind Hollywood program to the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. Made for Doors CSE 8.1 or higher, it provides the same engrossing facts, simulations, pictures, and assessments. Besides the on-calculator activity itself, it includes thorough teacher notes and a student handout, both heavily adapted from TI's original material. We would love to hear your feedback in the attached topic if you use this activity in your own classroom, and we hope to soon press on a port of Body of Evidence for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. We tip our hats deeply to Texas Instruments and their hard work in creating the original material for this activity.

Zombie Apocalypse Part 2 activity for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition

