Published by KermMartian
10 years, 11 months ago (2013-11-11T20:11:10+00:00)
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Although we love to promote science and math programs for all calculators, especially the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, we know that many students love to use their calculators for gaming. With the recent release of Doors CSE 8.0, it's now easy to run all kinds of programs on your TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, including games, math and science programs, and utilities. To that end, we have created a video explaining how to get games (and other programs) on your TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition.
The video below explains how to:
(1) Download and install TI-Connect from Texas Instruments' website (2) Download and install Doors CSE 8 (3) Download and install games and other programs on your TI-84+CSE, then run them with Doors CSE. These can include advanced Assembly games, TI-BASIC games, and all kinds of other TI-84+CSE programs.
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