Calculator Hacking at Maker Faire 2012
Published by KermMartian 12 years ago (2012-09-14T00:36:29+00:00) | Discuss this article

The weather in the northeastern US is just starting to cool off again, with temperatures dipping down to the 50s and 60s Fahrenheit. With cool weather, fall in New York City brings the annual Maker Faire at the Hall of Science in Queens. I'm happy to announce that I will be showing off some of Cemetech's coolest hardware and software hacks at Maker Faire 2012! At my table, entitled "Hacking Graphing Calculators: The Stealth Pocket Computer", I will be demonstrating CALCnet 2.2, the Gossamer web browser, playing music with a calculator and floppy drive, the Doors CS 7 shell, Graph3DP 1.0, and much more. It's going to be a hacking experience in and of itself to design a system to power (and secure!) the hardware that I'll be bringing, so I'll post details on my solutions as the date nears. I'll also be talking about the entertainment and educational value of learning calculator programming, and will be discussing my just-released book (official announcement coming soon), although sadly due to commercial restrictions I won't be able to market or sell the book at Maker Faire.

Maker Faire 2012 will be held on Saturday and Sunday, September 29th and 30th, at the New York Hall of Science in Queens, NY. Look for me outside at the big tent with tables of engineering and electronics hacks, and be sure to introduce yourself as a Cemetechian. Also, if you are in or near New York, have at least four hours to spare, and want to sit and help me promote calculator hacking and as a fun and rewarding hobby, I can get you a free pass to visit the fair. Send me a PM or post if you're interested. The Faire will also have tons of other projects and hacks large and small, attractions, workshops, and presentations. You can read about Maker Faire 2012 at their official website. I hope to see you there!

More Information
World Maker Faire 2012
"Hacking Graphing Calculators: The Stealth Pocket Computer" at Maker Faire 2012
"Engineering For Change" article mentioning "Hacking Graphing Calculators"

