Introducing Gossamer 1.0: A Calculator Web Browser
Published by KermMartian
13 years, 3 months ago (2011-06-09T04:21:27+00:00)
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Long on my to-do list has been a web browser for TI graphing calculators. With the introduction of Doors CS 6 (and thence Doors CS 7's) GUI API features, then CALCnet protocol support, and finally the creation of globalCALCnet, this dream got incrementally closer to reality. Early yesterday morning, I decided to finally bite the bullet and throw together a CALCnet-based web browser. I first created a Python web clipping application employing Lynx that runs on the globalCALCnet metahub, then a calculator-side client named Gossamer. Gossamer can already request, receive, display, and scroll pages, maintain a page viewing history, and allow the user to click on links to visit pages. Coming soon will be a box to input arbitrary URLs as well as progress bars for page and reference loading.
As always, please post your feedback and comments in the attached thread. A full version of Gossamer will be coming in the next few days, followed in the hopefully-near future by Doors CS 7.2, with the new and improved Direct USB CALCnet support that I demonstrate in the video below.