After one less than successful alpha release to a limited few Cemetechians, I am happy to present Doors CS 7.2 Beta 1, the first version of Doors CS to introduce Direct USB gCn. With a simple miniUSB cable, you can connect your Doors CS-powered calculator to the internet. Included in this release are a Windows and Linux version. Future versions will re-introduce the Mac OS X version, once Elfprince13 gets a chance to do a bit of development. This version, while working, still has a few glitches and quirks. Firstly, be sure to read the README.txt file included; at this point you must connect the gCnClient before you start Doors CS or your Cn2.2-enabled program. This version fixes a handful of non-CALCnet2.2 bugs, but it is believed that Direct USB is still unstable in rare circumstances. Please give this version a try; you can use Chat+IRCHub to test connecting your calculator to IRC, or Oblitr8+oblithub to play Obliterate with fellow Cemetechians. Please give it a try and post your feedback in the attached thread!