Published by KermMartian
14 years, 2 months ago (2010-08-06T06:07:07+00:00)
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In answer to all the users that have requested a custom oncalc TI-BASIC editor, Tokenizer DE takes a first step in that direction. Just as SourceCoder ( can convert text files into .8xp programs online, Tokenizer can take text documents typed in Document DE 6 or Document DE 7 and convert them into fully-tokenized BASIC programs editable with the TI-OS's TI-BASIC editor. Weighing in at slightly over 1KB, this small but efficient program takes advantage of the power of the DCS GUI system, and requires Doors CS 6.8 beta or higher. It uses a naive reverse substring-match brute force algorithm that takes very little memory (roughly 300 bytes for the core tokenization algorithm) at the expense of going at a moderate rather than blazing speed. Future improvements may integrate this with a Document DE-style editor; feel free to give it a try and post any comments or suggestions in the associated topic. This release also includes the source code to Tokenizer DE for those wishing to learn more about using the Doors CS ASM libraries.