Cemetech At 2^17 Posts, Active Despite Crunchtime
Published by KermMartian
13 years, 9 months ago (2010-11-30T00:24:24+00:00)
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As Thanksgiving passes us by and the end of the Fall 2010 school semester looms, the calculator-programming community typically slows down, its members turning their full attentions to final exams and projects. I'm happy to say that activity continues to be strong if slightly diminished, with the Cemetech Forum reaching an impressive 2^17 posts, or 131,172 posts since March 14th, 2005, five and a half years ago. Indeed, 2010 has been a year for rejuvenation, with Cemetech meeting and surpassing many longstanding posting and activity records. Kerm Martian, site founder and head honcho and yours truly, exceeded 37,000 personal posts today, comprising over 1.3 million words. For comparison, the typical novel is 80K to 100K words, and even such a massive tome as Tolstoy's War and Peace weighs in at less than half this count, roughly 560K words. Cemetech members as a group have posted 5.16 million words in their 2^17 posts, creating just shy of 5,000 topics and garnering 8.6 million topic views. The Cemetech File Archives are nearing the 500-file mark, and have collected over 25,000 downloads since their inception in October 2006.
As always, we hope that you'll continue to stop by, have a chat with us in the Cemetech chatroom, SAX, or hop on #cemetech on the Efnet IRC network and give us a shout. If you're a new user, you should introduce yourself and tell us about your programming skills and your latest projects; new and existing users should be sure to maintain running logs of their projects for us to offer our encouragement and suggestions. Several Cemetech projects are moving along haltingly, their progress slowed by their authors' life, school, and work commitments. Doors CS 7.1 is still under beta-testing and development, including a CALCnet2.2 demo program called flourish. Shaun "Merthsoft" McFall's Tokens IDE program, a sort of offline SourceCoder that also includes image editing features and a DCS GUI editor, continues to progress. Finally, the Have Calc, Will Program (HCWP) seminars continue every Wednesday evening, fomenting discussion of programming and optimization tips, discussions of current and upcoming projects, and community communication.
As Thanksgiving passes us by and the end of the Fall 2010 school semester looms, the calculator-programming community typically slows down, its members turning their full attentions to final exams and projects. I'm happy to say that activity continues to be strong if slightly diminished, with the Cemetech Forum reaching an impressive 2^17 posts, or 131,172 posts since March 14th, 2005, five and a half years ago. Indeed, 2010 has been a year for rejuvenation, with Cemetech meeting and surpassing many longstanding posting and activity records. Kerm Martian, site founder and head honcho and yours truly, exceeded 37,000 personal posts today, comprising over 1.3 million words. For comparison, the typical novel is 80K to 100K words, and even such a massive tome as Tolstoy's War and Peace weighs in at less than half this count, roughly 560K words. Cemetech members as a group have posted 5.16 million words in their 2^17 posts, creating just shy of 5,000 topics and garnering 8.6 million topic views. The Cemetech File Archives are nearing the 500-file mark, and have collected over 25,000 downloads since their inception in October 2006.
As always, we hope that you'll continue to stop by, have a chat with us in the Cemetech chatroom, SAX, or hop on #cemetech on the Efnet IRC network and give us a shout. If you're a new user, you should introduce yourself and tell us about your programming skills and your latest projects; new and existing users should be sure to maintain running logs of their projects for us to offer our encouragement and suggestions. Several Cemetech projects are moving along haltingly, their progress slowed by their authors' life, school, and work commitments. Doors CS 7.1 is still under beta-testing and development, including a CALCnet2.2 demo program called flourish. Shaun "Merthsoft" McFall's Tokens IDE program, a sort of offline SourceCoder that also includes image editing features and a DCS GUI editor, continues to progress. Finally, the Have Calc, Will Program (HCWP) seminars continue every Wednesday evening, fomenting discussion of programming and optimization tips, discussions of current and upcoming projects, and community communication.