Published by KermMartian
16 years, 4 months ago (2008-04-28T13:30:07+00:00)
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So I've planned out the sequence of Doors CS versions and features according to my current feature list and knowledge of my summer time commitments. Here it is, and please feel free to post with suggestions, comments, and criticism in the attached discussion thread.
:: Doors CS 6.2 (Complete by June 1, 2008)
Fix unsupported opcodes
Refamiliarize myself with my code
Test and confirm nSpire compatibility
:: Doors CS 6.3-6.4 (Complete by June 14, 2008)
Pull RunProg mess into separate system
Add homescreen execution hook - make it toggleable?
:: Doors CS 6.5 (Complete by July 1, 2008)
Add new splashscreen
Tweak CALCnet2 functionality
:: Doors CS 6.6
Update the SDK and documentation
:: Doors CS 7 Release Candidates
Get bug reports and fix any issues
:: Doors CS 7.0 (Complete by August 1, 2008)
Edit: Now with a fun, educational signature image!