DCS Icon Generator 1.3
Published by tifreak8x 17 years, 5 months ago (2007-04-05T23:42:07+00:00) | Discuss this article

It seems that when I re-built the DCS Icon generator the first time, I missed defining Str1, so now that that is fixed, I present version 1.3 of the DCS Icon Generator.
DCS Icon Generator

(Thanks goes to KeithJohansen for the bug report)

Edit by KermMartian: Well, we've reached a milestone I was hoping to save for the DCS6 final release, Cemetech's 300th news post! That's right, since this site's introductory news item, we have posted precisely three hundred items of (hopefully) great interest to our audience. Here's to three hundred more in a bit less than another four years!

