DCS 5.7 Beta 2, Writeback
Published by KermMartian 18 years ago (2006-09-06T19:28:34+00:00)

After trying three separate methods of copying from the temporary ASM execution program (Ztmp) back to the original program if changes were made, I finally got it working. I tried:

Delete archived original, then create 0-size RAM program with original name, move data from Ztmp, then delete Ztmp.
Modify VAT by swapping names for original and Ztmp, then delete Ztmp and rearchive original
Create temporary program for execution with same namelength as the original program. When writeback is necessary, delete original, rename temporary program by changing 1-8 bytes of the VAT, then archive. This method was sucessful.

However, several bugs that both members have reported and/or I have noticed myself may still be present, so this version will not be released on ticalc.org. Among said issues:

Program names do not appear under icons on second row
Scrolling bug Mk. III
The "Defragmenting..." / self-deletion bug may still exist

If you encounter any of these or other issues, please report them on the forum or the wiki. Without further ado, here's the new beta:

Doors CS 5.7 Beta 2

Update: I have completed the following to-do items since yesterday:
Appvar checks for size and RAM/ROM location status added to prevent crashes and freezes.
Memory check when pushing to the GUIStack to avoid memory errors.
Desktop alignment of Icons and Program Names repaired from Folder rendering bug.
Start menu Power Dialog made functional for Shutdown, Restart, and Quit to TI-OS.
Mouse Acceleration feature added to both the main mouse and the GUIMouse routines.

