Doors CS 5.5 Beta 1
Published by KermMartian 18 years, 5 months ago (2006-03-14T18:27:53+00:00) | Discuss this article

Avast ye! Doors CS 5.5 beta 1 is upon us. I'll let the description speak for itself:
This is the first public release of the Doors CS shell as a Flash Application. Taking up a mere single page of archive/ROM space, this program is a complete shell and GUI for TI-83+/TI-84+ graphing calculators. It also contains a complete shell for the TI-83, Doors CS v5.1. Embedded but not yet activated in this version are such amazing features as a full GUI API. Doors CS can recognize and run nearly every type of TI-83/+/SE/84+/SE file available, including Ion and Doors CS ASM programs, TI-OS BASIC and ASM programs, and many others. The interface can be navigated with a mouse-like cursor, and is fully expandable with small modules called Shell Expansions. Manual included.

Doors CS v5.5 Beta 1

Doors CS v5.5 Beta 1 Screenshot

