gCn and the Future of Graphing Calculators
Published by KermMartian 19 years, 1 month ago (2005-08-10T04:00:00+00:00) | Discuss this article

Imagine a future where every graphing calculator owner has access to an advanced shell and applications, all for free.

Imagine a future in which computer peripherals such as mice and keyboards can be connected to a TI-83+ via TICI 2.0.

Imagine word processing, spreadsheets, music, videos, and games - all on an 8-oz, $75 calculator.

Imagine a future where calculator LANs are commonplace thanks to CALCnet2. Share documents, engage in multiplayer gaming, and access email, web pages, and news feeds from a calculator.

Imagine global interconnection of CALCnet2 networks into a planetwide gCn network. Then imagine harnessing the parallel processing power of millions of calculators operating at tens of terahertz and with hundreds of gigabytes of collective memory or facing an opponent from across the world in your favorite calculator game.

Imagine the future of graphing calculators.

Imagine Doors CS.

gCn, or global CALCnet2, is one of the major protocols that will be incorporated into the newly unveiled plan for future versions of Doors CS. The diagram below explains the basic operating system. Calculators (1) can connected through a wired or wireless CALCnet2 connection to a CALCnet2 network. Cn2 bridges (2) connect the networks to a host computer (3), which decodes the data flowing over the network and interprets requests for external info. It retrieves web, email, ftp, and mail info from the internet (4), converts them into calculator-readable form, and sends that data to the requesting calculator. If a calculator asks for data from another Cn2 network, the host computer requests a list of active networks from gcn.cemetech.net (5), then pings the appropriate IP address. Networks are required to inform gcn.cemetech.net of new calculators joining their networks, devices leaving, and available resources on each network.

