Published by KermMartian
19 years, 6 months ago (2005-04-29T04:00:00+00:00)
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One of the people who downloaded Doors CS 5 Beta 4 and tried it sent me a lengthy email with some valid criticisms, comments, and suggestions about Doors CS. Per his recommendations, I added several
HotKeys to Doors CS. They are as follow:
[-] = Scroll up one page
[+] = Scroll down one page
[2nd] = Left-click, like [TRACE]
[ALPHA] = Right-click, like [GRAPH]
[CLEAR] = Quit Doors CS, like clicking the X in the bottom corner of the desktop
I am also working overtime to solve the pesky Ion routine crash bug that has plagued the TI-83+/TI-84+ versions for the past several months. I hope to publish the final 5.0 edition soon.