Toolbar, Template Fully Operational
Published by KermMartian 18 years, 11 months ago (2005-10-07T04:00:00+00:00) | Discuss this article

After a hard week or so of debugging and massive coding, Phase 2 of Cemetech's Big Move is complete. This roughly annual push to modernize sections of the site means that Cemetech's templates and styles are now almost entirely PHP-driven: the look you get in one part of the site should be identical to that in another part of the site for increased ease-of-use. If you find any bugs with the new system, please post on the forum; while I estimate that site uptime will now be close to 100% for a while, I may continue to do improvements behind the scenes that should not affect functionality. As usual, if you get an error, press F5; it means I'm FTPing an update in. The next step is the Archives Update, Phase 3, which I desperately need volunteers with an hour or two free for. Thanks to all.

