elfprince13 wrote:
also, great replacement content for a Lego game
Wow, those are some pretty offensive replacements you have there. Couldn't you do something more simple and less offensive?
My expression during AP chem is perpetually thus:
The only thing missing from this rant is a signature from Summer Glau
No better way to shoot down a job than to send your prospective employer a text message saying "tnks fr the i-view <3 lol"
right after he/she interviewed you.
Please tell me that that's not an actual true story. >_<
Not about me, but I read in Consumer Reports about MULTIPLE people who did that.
me2labs wrote:
Not about me, but I read in Consumer Reports about MULTIPLE people who did that.
Wow. At any rate, I continue to be appalled at the overuse and nullification of any meaning of Laughing Out Loud, so I will continue to filter it on Cemetech and SAX despite all the vociferous complaints.
I agree with Kerm. As much as I hate abuse of power, this was an appropriate, and amusing, way to deal with this problem on his own ground.
DShiznit wrote:
I agree with Kerm. As much as I hate abuse of power, this was an appropriate, and amusing, way to deal with this problem on his own ground.
Thanks DShiznit, I appreciate the support.
If there's such a thing as a good nazi, it would be an 'lol' nazi
DShiznit wrote:
If there's such a thing as a good nazi, it would be an 'lol' nazi
Definitely, and in my personal opinion, that falls under the subset of grammar and spelling nazi, which even if I prefer to call it a stickler, I've certainly been known to comment on random things including Facebook statuses just to correct the person's spelling or grammar.
I swear I heard someone use it on Skype recently. It was when I played Starcraft with someone who works at the same place at me. I do not remember if it was the guy who is also a Juju2143 friend but it was a bit disturbing. Someone else also use it at my job sometimes. :X
KermMartian wrote:
DShiznit wrote:
If there's such a thing as a good nazi, it would be an 'lol' nazi
Definitely, and in my personal opinion, that falls under the subset of grammar and spelling nazi, which even if I prefer to call it a stickler, I've certainly been known to comment on random things including Facebook statuses just to correct the person's spelling or grammar.
but th point of facebook is to communicate with your friends, but you have to talk like a dumb person otherwise your not facebookng right
don't ever use 0x5 to the people who don't know what it means...
you will be made fun of, and punched
DJ Omnimaga wrote:
I swear I heard someone use it on Skype recently. It was when I played Starcraft with someone who works at the same place at me. I do not remember if it was the guy who is also a Juju2143 friend but it was a bit disturbing. Someone else also use it at my job sometimes. :X
You mean 'el oh el' or 'oh exs five?'
KermMartian wrote:
I know, I use them properly though, to convey the facial expressions I show as I'm typing but which you guys obviously can't see. Like now I'm smiling, so I'll add
I end a line or paragraph with an emoticon to show my mood as well. Though I am trying to use lol less so now.
Ashbad wrote:
KermMartian wrote:
I know, I use them properly though, to convey the facial expressions I show as I'm typing but which you guys obviously can't see. Like now I'm smiling, so I'll add
I end a line or paragraph with an emoticon to show my mood as well. Though I am trying to use 0x5 less so now. I don't have any problem with using lol when you actually are laughing aloud, but I'd guess that the vast majority of the time that you end a paragraph with lol, you're not laughing aloud, and you're probably not even smiling.
KermMartian wrote:
Ashbad wrote:
KermMartian wrote:
I know, I use them properly though, to convey the facial expressions I show as I'm typing but which you guys obviously can't see. Like now I'm smiling, so I'll add
I end a line or paragraph with an emoticon to show my mood as well. Though I am trying to use 0x5 less so now. I don't have any problem with using 0x5 when you actually are laughing aloud, but I'd guess that the vast majority of the time that you end a paragraph with 0x5, you're not laughing aloud, and you're probably not even smiling.
I use rofl in place of lol, just because it's different, but I usually am laughing, and often will fall out of my seat if something is particularly funny.
Why not use the standard English interjection "ha ha"?
You can further extend your repertoire with a giggling "he he". If you're feeling adventurous you could even try a "pfft" in response to a particularly contrived pun.
I never lol. It's quite unseemly.
Hmm, strange how the L o L is not censored in the "latest forum posts" box
QLTM—quietly laughing to myself. Use appropriately.