Why can't we just stop with this inane censorship thing in its entirety? What are we gaining here anyway? Absolutely nothing.
This isn't in anyway a beneficial practice. Rather, this is nothing more than an attempt to autocratically govern a congregated body with the self-serving ideals of a single person. I don't care if this is your website nor do I care if you feel you inherently have the right to govern it the way you choose. Words are words. Especially these, which we (perhaps unfortunately) saturate our language with on a daily basis. The (again unfortunate) fact of the matter is that our language is deteriorating. This is mostly likely an unstoppable phenomenon that will only continue to get worse. Ergo, rather than taking an aggressive approach to what you consider to be a problem and outright censoring what words or phrases you feel are wrong, overused, profane, or what reason have you; I believe you should accept the fact that people are going to continue to talk in the manner which you so disdainfully reject.
With each generation that comes and goes, the beliefs come and go as well. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. Regardless the polarity of the change, the point is that it is change. And, with all change, there will be resistance. The old man will scoff the computer as the youngster embraces it. The fundamentalist will curse certain orientations as sinful while the open-minded promotes it. In this situation, I honestly can only view you, the pro-censoring, as the man of the prior generation and us, the people, as the men (and women) of the new generation. Thus, in the sense of this analogy, you are the inhibitor of change and we are the change.
So what if the change is bad? You have to take the bad with the good to get anywhere. Perhaps in the near future, language will pull a metaphorical u-turn. Perhaps we all degrade to grunts and clicks (no offense intended to the cultures who use clicks and/or grunts as part of their communication). Regardless the future, as always unpredictable, we ought embrace it full force and use its momentum to fling it in another direction if necessary, rather than standing in its path and trying to stop it.
Also, isn't it logical to think that these actions of censorship will, perhaps ironically, only act as a catalyst that furthers along the action(s) which you so persistently censor? Like how prohibition only made alcohol consumption ever the more sweeter, won't censorship of language only intensify the passion of those who speak in the ill-favored manner to speak as such?
Just my thoughts on the matter.
Also, at risk of sounding cold or maybe crass (more so than I undoubtedly already do), I'd just like to say this: if you don't like the heat, get out of the sun. If the language of the internet annoys you, why not just get off the internet? If a million people upset one person, isn't it more logical to just remove the one person than to change the million people?
Again, just my thoughts on the matter.
This isn't in anyway a beneficial practice. Rather, this is nothing more than an attempt to autocratically govern a congregated body with the self-serving ideals of a single person. I don't care if this is your website nor do I care if you feel you inherently have the right to govern it the way you choose. Words are words. Especially these, which we (perhaps unfortunately) saturate our language with on a daily basis. The (again unfortunate) fact of the matter is that our language is deteriorating. This is mostly likely an unstoppable phenomenon that will only continue to get worse. Ergo, rather than taking an aggressive approach to what you consider to be a problem and outright censoring what words or phrases you feel are wrong, overused, profane, or what reason have you; I believe you should accept the fact that people are going to continue to talk in the manner which you so disdainfully reject.
With each generation that comes and goes, the beliefs come and go as well. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. Regardless the polarity of the change, the point is that it is change. And, with all change, there will be resistance. The old man will scoff the computer as the youngster embraces it. The fundamentalist will curse certain orientations as sinful while the open-minded promotes it. In this situation, I honestly can only view you, the pro-censoring, as the man of the prior generation and us, the people, as the men (and women) of the new generation. Thus, in the sense of this analogy, you are the inhibitor of change and we are the change.
So what if the change is bad? You have to take the bad with the good to get anywhere. Perhaps in the near future, language will pull a metaphorical u-turn. Perhaps we all degrade to grunts and clicks (no offense intended to the cultures who use clicks and/or grunts as part of their communication). Regardless the future, as always unpredictable, we ought embrace it full force and use its momentum to fling it in another direction if necessary, rather than standing in its path and trying to stop it.
Also, isn't it logical to think that these actions of censorship will, perhaps ironically, only act as a catalyst that furthers along the action(s) which you so persistently censor? Like how prohibition only made alcohol consumption ever the more sweeter, won't censorship of language only intensify the passion of those who speak in the ill-favored manner to speak as such?
Just my thoughts on the matter.
Also, at risk of sounding cold or maybe crass (more so than I undoubtedly already do), I'd just like to say this: if you don't like the heat, get out of the sun. If the language of the internet annoys you, why not just get off the internet? If a million people upset one person, isn't it more logical to just remove the one person than to change the million people?
Again, just my thoughts on the matter.