*bump* I have updated the feature/bug matrix for Doors CSE 8.0 as follows:
Known Bugs:
[X] Running Ans-hidden BASIC programs from the homescreen produces the DCSE version error message
This turned out to be much harder to solve correctly than anticipated, as solving it correctly required overhauling how Doors CSE counts and organizes programs for display. It now differentiates between programs that should never be run and programs that are runnable but unlisted.
[X] ArcUnarcVar shouldn't draw an hour glass on the screen
Repaired. Shell functions call Arc_Unarc_DCSE_ShowHourglass. BASIC functions set the accumulator to nonzero and call Arc_Unarc_DCSE.
[X] Leftover DrawShape mode setting described
in this post tr1p1ea has indicated this is repaired
[X] ReplaceLine bug detailed
in this post TIfreak8x has confirmed that this is fixed
[X] Executed Apps that request the calculator turn off fail.
Repaired with the help of the ever-knowledgeable BrandonW. WikiTI's incorrect information needs to be fixed.
[_] Hard-to-track Error: ? bug
[_] Figure out how to make RabbitSign or any signer sign Apps with custom icons.
Feature Requests:
[-] ArcUnarcVar should take an optional argument, 0 for Arc, 1 for RAM, so it can work as more than just a toggle
Suggestion discarded. Programmers can use det( with this function to prevent it from toggling a variable to the wrong place.
[X] Menu option or desktop icon to run Apps (see Runer112's post)
Apps can be listed, run, and so on.
[X] Custom App icons
Implemented as new App header field 029h.