In mid-November, we announced Cemetech Contest #9, a competitive programming contest. The theme is "Ports": entrants can either extensively modify a released calculator or computer game/program or port a game concept from calculator to computer or computer to calculator. In all cases, creativity is key: we're looking for programs and games that show thinking outside the box. The contest ends on January 21st, in six days, so be sure to send your entries soon and often! Even if you're still doing final touch-up on your entry, make sure you send in at least something before the deadline.
As with all previous contests, entries must be emailed to one or both of the judges by midnight on January 21st, and must be zipped up with a readme that explains how to install and use your program or game. The readme must also detail any content that you used, and what license or permission that content was used under. On behalf of the judges, we look forward to seeing your entries, and best of luck to all.
As with all previous contests, entries must be emailed to one or both of the judges by midnight on January 21st, and must be zipped up with a readme that explains how to install and use your program or game. The readme must also detail any content that you used, and what license or permission that content was used under. On behalf of the judges, we look forward to seeing your entries, and best of luck to all.