Is Minos OS a good name? |
Yes! |
20% |
[ 1 ] |
What does it mean? |
20% |
[ 1 ] |
I dont care what it is just as long as it works. |
60% |
[ 3 ] |
Nope make it better. |
0% |
[ 0 ] |
Total Votes : 5 |
Minos OS is coming out mid-December.
This shell will be a simple shell that over time I hope will grow. Please use this topic to ask questions and comments; on my ideas. Do not post about non-related topics only ideas or comments.
From My projects and spell checked... :/
Hello James Diggery here just wanted to say I’m working on a project that will become a full-blown shell (not to compete with Doors CS) it will be out in beta form mid-December and will be the GUI base with three working programs added in...
Named Minos 0.9 beta it will feature
-graphical bugles programs pasted into the shell code.
-nongraphic and semi-graphical programs
+documents that work with the apps
- in a later version this will loop the texts and str0-9 inside the shell so the appropriate prgm can be called
+System files
-working files to change (at a later date) the interface styles and the options
Looking to be at or around 20,000b but this is in a semi-buggy form so I’ll repost when I know pre-hand to the release.
Planed dates of release
_Mid-Dec v0.9 beta
Just the GUI with working apps
_end of Jan v1.0
Programs apps system files
_end of Feb v1.5
Updated GUI semi-graphical with 10 more optional apps
_mid spring up to v3.0
Full to near all graphical GUI and tons more apps/prgms
you have two 'No' options, by the look of it. and i thought the name had been used?
Well my friend helped me so i didnt really make it.... just the post. Did you even vote?
ill vote later; once i see this a bit more. im guessing you plan on using Hybrid basic? and im confused by what your talking about, when you mention apps: are you making it access the apps menu?
Ok the idea is to have a shell that has "apps" but this just means there included in the GUI. Then in the home menu you could select Apps or Programs if you select programs this is like most shells you see where they link to the others. I’m classifying them to NoGUI programs. This balances the memory, I find.
The second idea is to rather than in a program do
Instead do
If Lminos (1) =100...
Thus it is to my belief less memory used
I'm not going to vote, because naming such a project is much less important than actually producing a result

Good luck with your project, however! What language is it being written in?
Ti-Basic; when I grasp more of asm and such I'll make a transfer also makeing it better (by that I mean faster). For now its as posted coming out in December then I'll start on Minos v1.0!
Lately I've been exploring other shells seeing there capabilities and I realized in some update I’d like to put in

multi-GUIs by this I mean, the windows 8 has a new "interface" and I was thinking id like that too!
The idea is this, have a Texted-based GUI and a graphical-GUI. This would be so people could see Minos the way they want it to be seen. The question is how to do this in Ti-basic, until I have sufficient know age to do it in z80.

On a different note, Minos v 0.9 Beta will be released earlier then expected due to new-found help! A friend of mine has agreed to send the Program to my email!

So expect Minos V 0.9 Beta at the start of December (rather than mid-December)!


I would like more input, just ideas throw them at me and everyone can help work it out.
Will this be a true OS or a shell?
Will it be like DCS or even better?
Will it specialize in something?
Another thing:
you might want to consider using assembly or at least Axe to make this OS because Ti-Basic will probably not have enough functionality by itself for what you want to do.
I am just wondering how you plan to access memory with ti-basic? If you don't access memory than you don't know what the apps are named etc.
For now it is going to be really basic, excuse the pun, I hope all of this happens. But it will take time, as for if it will be true OS at some point I hope, I happen to know a little C but that is after I get my, here it comes, Shell under way. I am speaking in terms of Future for now.
zeldaking: define the access you are speaking of and take a look at
Post: 16 Nov 2012 07:14:27 pm by diggeryj
that may explain it.
I' also love to learn about Assembly however, for now I just want to work the basic ideas in Ti-basic.
Oh okay that makes more sense. Hope you go learn some z80!
Oh, apps are just programs that were coded into your program.
or did i not understand any bit of what you said? i happen to do that a lot, if you look at some of my other posts.
LuxenD wrote:
Oh, apps are just programs that were coded into your program.
or did i not understand any bit of what you said? i happen to do that a lot, if you look at some of my other posts.
That is correct. And when I say programs I mean it calls a differant program
MINOS V0.9 RAM SIZE 2029 bites!
Version 0.9 in being beta tested as we post this.. The results on tuesday, and then hopefully if there are no more set-backs I can upload it, then you can all comment about it.
Version 1.0 is under way and some .gif's to tide you guys over while you wait. Minos v1.0 has a new installation thingy... You can choose if you want access to ether apps, programs, or system files! That is going to lead to v1.2 where you can log in.
Im also makeing the slow transetion to a grahpical-GUI!
This is getting real people. Any reqests such as if youd like your program to be an app or even a minos program just email the file to me @!
Here is a .Gif to tide everyone over, notice this is the "home" menu. the DOCs label just shows the 3 available documents one has saved.
Now the Apps should become more clear, as well as the Programs. In version 1.0.0 Pro (see upcoming post about all the new ideas), the Apps, system, and Programs will be under a new label named Files.
Hope you all enjoy this update, please vote if you have not all ready!
Look for Minos v0.9.9 some time in the next week could come out anytime. This is because the result are in... no bugs! it worked on OS 2.48 mp and 2.55 mp on the ti-84 + SE only.
Note a website for Minos is underway
It is active but with limited content for now. Thank you for all the support.
Back before i knew that Z80 existed (AKA:my "under a rock" days), i made a couple of things like this; but it was quite different.
+ Graphical (mouse included)
+ Custom menus
- No external program support
- No libraries used (actually, i still dont use libraries)
I really did enjoy the planning that went in to this however, im going to move on to a new project. this is going to be an Online OS, like eyeOS or WebOS, im going to be forming this instead of Minos which dispite being a great idea, its already done. there is no need to create a new program that someone has all ready made. Technology is evolving to more online things then ever before. I want to be a part of this so im not left behind. Hopefully i can mantain this new idea and perhaps if i have time just make a .bat of minos and publish it. this subject is not dead. please also visit [url] [/ulr] And as im here any ideas as to how to go about make a Online OS? Im thinking HTML but is there a better lang. for it?


You could use enyo for the GUI, but I feel this is not on topic (topic is ti-basic)
(also, the end tag houls be [/url] and not [/ulr]

AHelper wrote:
You could use enyo for the GUI, but I feel this is not on topic (topic is ti-basic)
(also, the end tag houls be [/url] and not [/ulr]

I guess you didnt get my point im not going to be focusing on ti-basic, However thank you for this just googled it and
now im happy, i did need a base to work with and this fits the ticket! You are wonderful!