- [CSE Basic] D-Fend
- 22 Mar 2015 11:28:25 am
- Last edited by 123outerme on 27 Mar 2015 07:54:55 pm; edited 5 times in total
So lately, as only Kerm would know, I've been working on a new project whenever I was bored in math. Written in pure CSE Basic, this project is a "defender" game where you defend your side of the screen against evil people or whatever. (Does this even need a story?)
Anyway, it's a shoot-em-up with unique controls: to fire a laser blast, you have to rapidly tap the XTON button, charging it up. Pressing 2nd will fire the laser when it's charged, and pressing Alpha will use a special attack, if ready.
Enemies charge at you in four "lanes". Hitting them with a laser will knock them back to the start. Using the special initially unlocked will knock all four enemies back to the start, but you will have to wait quite a while to use it again. There are 3 difficulty modes: Boring (easy), Normal (medium), and Unforgiving (Hard). As the game progresses, the enemies speed up, based on your difficulty setting. You can also purchase new abilities (passive or ALPHA super abilities) in the Shop, where you can spend Gold and equip new abilities.
►Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?22n5zlf3f3xtdik
Anyway, it's a shoot-em-up with unique controls: to fire a laser blast, you have to rapidly tap the XTON button, charging it up. Pressing 2nd will fire the laser when it's charged, and pressing Alpha will use a special attack, if ready.
Enemies charge at you in four "lanes". Hitting them with a laser will knock them back to the start. Using the special initially unlocked will knock all four enemies back to the start, but you will have to wait quite a while to use it again. There are 3 difficulty modes: Boring (easy), Normal (medium), and Unforgiving (Hard). As the game progresses, the enemies speed up, based on your difficulty setting. You can also purchase new abilities (passive or ALPHA super abilities) in the Shop, where you can spend Gold and equip new abilities.

►Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?22n5zlf3f3xtdik