Correction the pressing of the on key actually Freezes the program. if you look a the Run indicator it freezes while on is held. As for possible fixes I tried one but it forgot to account for port 3 not getting the same write at the end of the intterupt (it defaults to %00001010 not the %00001011 we need)
Possible Fixes
Other thing. when a basic program crashes the link port is in a unuseable state is there anyway we can have dcs restore that globally upon return to the basic program? It is 5 lines of code
Just a few brainstormed ideas gogogo?
Possible Fixes
-Smc on the ram code
-Change the interrupt to have the default of %00001011
-Change kerms On handler to Be a hook like the precn2hook and have it be user defined. allowing us to force emulate a break. And give control back to the user for what ON does
Other thing. when a basic program crashes the link port is in a unuseable state is there anyway we can have dcs restore that globally upon return to the basic program? It is 5 lines of code
res 3,(iy+33h) ; ignoreBPlink
set 4,(iy+33h) ; BPLinkOn Enable Silent linking and link assist
set 0,(iy+3Eh)
ld a,0
out (08h),a ; Reenable link assist
Just a few brainstormed ideas gogogo?