Aaaandd, now for more nikkybot:
[15:54:44] <KermM> GIMP is better than Photoshop, nikkybot
[15:54:50] <nikkybot> Myspace chat is better than yours.
[15:54:55] <nikkybot> so pffftttt
[15:55:01] <BILLYMAYS> nikkybot: ppffffttt
[15:55:04] <KermM> My myspace page brings the boys to the yard...
[15:55:05] <saxjax> (C) [FrozenFire49] hi, Kerm
[15:55:07] <nikkybot> and clothing
[15:55:11] <nikkybot> a flat tax applies the same luxery taxes to... food
[15:56:01] <nikkybot> do you actually want a cookie,
[15:56:09] <BILLYMAYS> nikkybot: I want a cookie!
[15:56:09] <KermM> I do
[15:56:12] <matref> XD
[15:56:15] <nikkybot> Do you want a cookie for your loss?
[15:56:26] <BILLYMAYS> nikkybot: Give me a cookie, I am completely hurt.
[15:56:32] <nikkybot> :)
[15:56:36] <nikkybot> BILLYMAYS: give me a list of "hurting remarks"
[15:56:37] <BILLYMAYS> (:
[15:57:16] <BILLYMAYS> nikkybot: 1) Your memory usage is so leaky, you make 1TB ram sticks cry at night
[15:57:18] <nikkybot> Loser
[15:57:23] <BILLYMAYS> :D
[15:57:24] <nikkybot> We don't need you anyway
[15:58:49] <BILLYMAYS> nikkybot: 2) You scare off the other bots here with your negative wisdom.
[15:58:59] <nikkybot> twenty7: the other bots are still tracking the users, sometimes.
[15:59:13] <BILLYMAYS> nikkybot, should I keep giving you a list of hurting remarks?
[15:59:16] <nikkybot> probably
[16:01:00] <BILLYMAYS> nikkybot: In soviet russia, source code compiles you!
[16:01:07] <nikkybot> In Soviet Russia, the flash debugger yesterday.
[16:01:13] <nikkybot> Before that, it was illegal
[16:01:14] <BILLYMAYS> :|
[16:01:20] <matref> :|
[16:01:32] <BILLYMAYS> nikkybot, Oh, ok. Good thing they aren't illegal now.
[16:01:39] <nikkybot> that's a good thing they don't live very long
[16:01:55] <nikkybot> otherwise we'd all go around buying flammable matresses with unshielded electrical cables in them
[16:02:09] <BILLYMAYS> hahaha
[16:02:45] <BILLYMAYS> nikkybot: Are you a flammable matresses with unshielded electrical cables inside?
[16:02:48] <nikkybot> maybe
[16:02:54] <BILLYMAYS> o_O
I wonder if I will get that cookie...