Hi guys !
I finally aborted AxiomGui to work on another project : add DCS GUI funcs to Axe. I know that several people tried to do this, but it never ended, so I try myself too.
For now, I only have one command, and it's not working properly -_-' So I also need help for this one (it's mostly due to Axe replacements, I think).
Here is the actual code (I'm using Mimas) :
The only arg of this func is a data containing a GUIRText datas :
Here is a screen of it running :
Once the mouse freezed, I resetted manually Wabbitemu ; on my real calc it freezes, and that's all.
If someone can help me ..?
I finally aborted AxiomGui to work on another project : add DCS GUI funcs to Axe. I know that several people tried to do this, but it never ended, so I try myself too.
For now, I only have one command, and it's not working properly -_-' So I also need help for this one (it's mostly due to Axe replacements, I think).
Here is the actual code (I'm using Mimas) :
dw $C0DE
; Alert(
; Displays a modal msg box with custom text
dw AlertEnd+2 ; I use REP_NEXT twice
db %00001000 ; only for DoorsCS
db $BB,$1B ; normalpdf(
db 0 ; inline
db 1 ; 1 arg
rorg 0
push hl
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
call sub_Length
ex de,hl
push de
call OpenGUIStack
REP_NEXT ; db $7F \ rorg $-1
ld hl,SmallWin
ld de,WinButtons-SmallWin
ld a,GUIRSmallWin
call PushGUIStack
ld hl,WinButtons
ld de,AlertEnd-WinButtons
ld a,GUIRWinButtons
call PushGUIStack
pop de
pop hl
inc de
inc de
inc de
ld a,GUIRText
call PushGUIStack
ld hl,0
call GUIMouse
call ResetAppPage
db 7,7
db $E0,$B0,$90,$90,$F0
db " ",0
db %00100000
dw 0
dw 0
dw exitAx1
dw 0 ; AXM_END
; token hook
dw $03E0 ; hnormalpdf
db 6
db "Alert("
The only arg of this func is a data containing a GUIRText datas :
Here is a screen of it running :
Once the mouse freezed, I resetted manually Wabbitemu ; on my real calc it freezes, and that's all.
If someone can help me ..?