KermMartian wrote:
EDIT: I think certain controversial events should be kept to separate pages, but they need to be there. There can't be any criticisms, say, on the page for Omnimaga forums,
I think it would be appropriate for a fair and balanced article on each site to mention both the strengths and the flaws of each site and its members. I don't think it would be accurate or correct to omit the flaws.
I'm not saying omitting them, but there should only be a passing reference on the page for the forum itself, while the sordid details are present on some other page.
KermMartian wrote:
but there could be some on a page for nDoom. Additionally, if we have pages for community memes like lobsters or peanuts or rickroll, that might be fine...
I'm sure you must be trolling again.
I could understand community-wide memes like WFRNG, but I think single-site memes don't belong in an accounting of the achievements of the TI programming community as a whole.
I'm actually serious. I kinda like the light-hearted fun that occured on Omnimaga when I used to be there, and the Omnimaga community is populous enough to gain forum-specific pages. Cemetech might wind up getting a few of its own anyway.
You guys have some really good ideas -- I completely forgot about the TI community memes -- and I'm liking the enthusiasm and excitement
JoeYoung wrote:
I think tcpa or ticalc contributors would be a good place to get some neutral pov types as admins.
It's hard to tell who is active on, so who would you recommend? What about people from the non-English TI community?
burr wrote:
You guys have some really good ideas -- I completely forgot about the TI community memes -- and I'm liking the enthusiasm and excitement
JoeYoung wrote:
I think tcpa or ticalc contributors would be a good place to get some neutral pov types as admins.
It's hard to tell who is active on, so who would you recommend? What about people from the non-English TI community?
off the top of my head? I suppose there are a number of people I could recommend for editors.
merthsoft, nikky, elfprince, ashbad, jonimus, nikky, netham45, calc84, brandonw, ztrumpet, art of camelot, qwerty55.....
i don't know, asking my personal recommendations just doesn't sound like an inspired idea. additionally, I don't know anything about the international communities besides the horror stories i heard about someone named kevin? not DJ, some other kevin who is obsessed with channel privacy.
KermMartian wrote:
EDIT: I think certain controversial events should be kept to separate pages, but they need to be there. There can't be any criticisms, say, on the page for Omnimaga forums,
I think it would be appropriate for a fair and balanced article on each site to mention both the strengths and the flaws of each site and its members. I don't think it would be accurate or correct to omit the flaws.
but there could be some on a page for nDoom. Additionally, if we have pages for community memes like lobsters or peanuts or rickroll, that might be fine...
I'm sure you must be trolling again.
I could understand community-wide memes like WFRNG, but I think single-site memes don't belong in an accounting of the achievements of the TI programming community as a whole.
Yeah I agree. After all, on Wikipedia, the Cemetech page has a criticisms section stating some community member disputes and how some teachers criticised the PRIZM article saying calcs are not for gaming or something like that.
As far as "memes" goes (they're more inside jokes to me, sinces memes are more internet-wide stuff), I'm thinking that the peanut thing could possibly be included, but not stuff like the lobster references. WFRNG started in 2000 and there were references to it until about 2007 or so (with a small resurgence in 2010 when it got ported to the TI-Nspire). The Omnimaga peanuts inside joke, although more nonsensical and not having gotten much of an impact outside that site, has been going on for almost 6 years by now and even spread to United-TI for a short while. I guess blub could be mentionned too since it was quite popular on Cemetech for a few years. The rest is either too small or haven't been going on for long enough, though.
You're right, "inside jokes" would be a better term to describe the lobster, cherry, dragon, peanuts, etc set of memetic items. Omnimaga also seems to embrace memes like Rickrolling, though, which I'm sure you'd agree on. At any rate, what's the current state of this project, Burr? Are you sticking with your original ideas for possible moderators overseeing the project, or have you modified it based on the feedback you received? What sort of time-scale do you envision for completing the project, or do you see it more as a long-term ongoing documentation project?
JoeYoung wrote:
merthsoft, nikky, elfprince, ashbad, jonimus, nikky, netham45, calc84, brandonw, ztrumpet, art of camelot, qwerty55....
+1—We definitely need double the number of Nikkies around here!
KermMartian wrote:
You're right, "inside jokes" would be a better term to describe the lobster, cherry, dragon, peanuts, etc set of memetic items. Omnimaga also seems to embrace memes like Rickrolling, though, which I'm sure you'd agree on. At any rate, what's the current state of this project, Burr? Are you sticking with your original ideas for possible moderators overseeing the project, or have you modified it based on the feedback you received? What sort of time-scale do you envision for completing the project, or do you see it more as a long-term ongoing documentation project?
I have just been working on the timeline page over the last week, so I haven't actually done anything related to the site management. In addition, I started the TI Story website today, and I decided to keep it on Wikidot (for obvious reasons); there is no content yet, but I'll start the migration process tomorrow. I don't have any timeframe for completing this project, as there are literally tens of thousands of people, sites, and products that have been part of the TI community; needless to say, it's going to take a while
As far as management goes, I really like the idea of having somebody from each active TI site as administrator, as this wiki is about the whole TI community and that helps to maintain balance and order on the site and in the content. So, somebody from Cemetech, Omnimaga, TI-Freakware,, TI-Planet, yAronet, CalcGames, United-TI, and WikiTI. Am I missing any active TI site?
KermMartian wrote:
You're right, "inside jokes" would be a better term to describe the lobster, cherry, dragon, peanuts, etc set of memetic items. Omnimaga also seems to embrace memes like Rickrolling, though, which I'm sure you'd agree on.
About rickrolls, those are not something that Omni itself started, so I guess they would not count as community inside jokes, more something that could go in an elaborate description of the site atmosphere, if we mention the type of humor used by the majority of the users or in the past.
@Burr I hope the migration process isn't too tedious. I noticed the current site is very rich in info already, so I thought that could be a lot of work. X.X
As for active sites, it might be harder to get someone from the dead or inactive ones if the admins are no longer around, although if a moderator wants to volunteer, that could help.
Also as much as some people would prefer a certain French TI site to not gain too much attention due to some incidents that bordered on IRL threats a few months ago, I think it still needs to have its page, if not already, and include all its accomplishments and history, good or bad, since, after all, a lot of the contributions from TI-Planet admins used to be located there. Also I think those two sites could be mentionned into the site wars section, right? (Although it didn't last as long, it was rather intense last fall compared to anything that ever happened between Omni and Cemetech or UTI vs MaxCoderz) Have we also brought up BaSiCoDeRz vs SiCoDe and the like?
JoeYoung wrote:
off the top of my head? I suppose there are a number of people I could recommend for editors.
merthsoft, nikky, elfprince, ashbad, jonimus, nikky, netham45, calc84, brandonw, ztrumpet, art of camelot, qwerty55.....
I definitely don't have time to be a contributing editor, but I'm happy to contribute my technical writing skills to clean up the prose on specific articles as I have time.
I was honored to see that I had a least had a link for my name in the "People" section, even if content hadn't been filled in.
i heard about someone named kevin? not DJ, some other kevin who is obsessed with channel privacy.
Also, I suspect Lionel Debroux, or DJ O would know more about the international community than most of the rest of us Cemetechers.
Kofler would be the name. If you pasted one single line of IRC logs from the channel he runs outside that channel, you got permanently banned for log sharing. There was another programming group ran by two former Omnimaga staff that had the same rule too. I think #cemetech got similar rules, but to a much lesser extent, right?
In any case, I missed the whole SiCoDe/TI-Files drama, but I've seen the Drubu collapse, UTI vs MC debates, multiple Hays comebacks, etc.
Eventually I think I will go through the old archive caches and screenshot most sites I can find. Sadly didn't cache everything.
By the way once I ran into Alex Highsmith personal site DarkPrism Productions, and he used to have a Final Fantasy X5 project underway
DJ_O wrote:
I think #cemetech got similar rules, but to a much lesser extent, right?
As far as I know, we have no explicit rules regarding logging/log sharing (Kerm, correct me if I'm wrong) - I certainly log IRC whenever I'm in the channel. What isn't appreciated is dredging up portions of logs out of context. People can say things that look pretty bad out of context, that are perfectly innocent in context, but if they don't also have the whole log to defend themselves, it becomes an unfair situation.
Eventually I think I will go through the old archive caches and screenshot most sites I can find. Sadly didn't cache everything.
On this note, I am still in contact with a couple members of SuiPsySof, via Facebook, if anyone involved with TI Story is interested in interviewing them. I noticed that the entry on SuiPsySof mentions that Black Eagle Shell was a basic shell, but I'm fairly sure version 4.0 was in asm. I may even have a beta of it laying around somewhere to verify that.
Other historical notes, if my memory serves me correctly, Weregoose was at one time known as Supergoose (which is not mentioned on the UTI page where several other staff members have their previous handles listed).
I'd also like to mention that StickFigure Graphic Productions, at various points in its history, has been an actual programming group, meeting the definition given by the page on TI Story. I'm not sure how notable we are as a group, but we maintained a forum, and people other than myself (swivelgames being the only current community member) were staff members and worked on programming projects under that banner.
Ah ok that might be it.
As for BES 4.0 I think it was looking promising near the end, or at least it was the best of all shells among the BASIC shells category before it turned to ASM (and died). And yeah I remember Supergoose, JBirk (NETWizz) and Sir Robin (now Darkerline). I'll need to search for some of the members from the old MaxCoderz board too eventually (Ikonboard software), such as Avatardelta, to see if they have released anything notable.
Does anyone remember the original URL of Dragon-Fire forums?
elfprince13 wrote:
I'd also like to mention that StickFigure Graphic Productions, at various points in its history, has been an actual programming group, meeting the definition given by the page on TI Story. I'm not sure how notable we are as a group, but we maintained a forum, and people other than myself (swivelgames being the only current community member) were staff members and worked on programming projects under that banner.
Unfortunately, there is simply so much information to document that things are going to get left out. If you have knowledge about something (especially if it is personally related to you), please document it because it probably won't get documented otherwise; we can fix any mistakes or change it to neutral POV later.
I'm still in contact with JBirk (NETWizz) and to a lesser extent Jon Johnson (AlienXor) from UnitedTI, so if you guys have any questions for them, I can pass the questions along.
burr wrote:
elfprince13 wrote:
I'd also like to mention that StickFigure Graphic Productions, at various points in its history, has been an actual programming group, meeting the definition given by the page on TI Story. I'm not sure how notable we are as a group, but we maintained a forum, and people other than myself (swivelgames being the only current community member) were staff members and worked on programming projects under that banner.
Unfortunately, there is simply so much information to document that things are going to get left out. If you have knowledge about something (especially if it is personally related to you), please document it because it probably won't get documented otherwise; we can fix any mistakes or change it to neutral POV later.
Do we need any special permissions to be able to edit?
elfprince13 wrote:
Do we need any special permissions to be able to edit?
No, it is open for anybody to edit.
burr wrote:
elfprince13 wrote:
Do we need any special permissions to be able to edit?
No, it is open for anybody to edit.
How goes the migration process? Should I wait until you've completed it, or do some editing now on the older TI-Basic Dev site?
elfprince13 wrote:
burr wrote:
elfprince13 wrote:
Do we need any special permissions to be able to edit?
No, it is open for anybody to edit.
How goes the migration process? Should I wait until you've completed it, or do some editing now on the older TI-Basic Dev site?
You should go ahead and edit the TI|BD site. The migration is going to be a several day process... Of course, you can help with that if you want...
Oh, too late, I just got a bunch of email notifications that you had set up pages on TI Story, and added a page there!
elfprince13 wrote:
Oh, too late, I just got a bunch of email notifications that you had set up pages on TI Story, and added a page there!
Thanks for the initiative. I noticed that you included several screenshots of StickFigure Graphics Productions. I know it's not that important, but I wanted to establish a guideline now. I personally think one screenshot should suffice for most sites, and two should suffice for the more prominent sites. What do you guys think?
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