KermMartian wrote:
What is your browser and version? It's not giving jsTIfied enough space to store the TI-84+SE ROM in DOM storage.
Chrome Version 22.0.1229.79 m
It worked in this same browser before. Firefox works fine. Not sure what changed in Chrome.
It worked in that browser because the TI-83+ needs only 512KB+64KB (or +32KB) of DOM storage, whereas the TI-84+SE needs 2MB+128KB.
When I load a TI-84 Plus Silver Edition ROM into jsTIfied, it shows a TI-83 Plus Silver Edition. I am pretty sure it is a 84 se, because it is a Rom I made with the wabbit emulator.
Also, when I try to load a program from sourcecoder to a TI-84 ROM, there appears a red bar with the message: "Error: Unable to load the specified file. Are you sure it's a TI-83+ program, file, or application? Are you sure there's enough free memory to fit it? Is the calculator at the homescreen?" but I'm sure that it is a correct file and everything.
I should complain less...
Quick questions, what software should I use to dump my rom, and is it advisable to back up the contents of my flash and RAM on my TI-84 SE?
The newer versions of TiLP can also dump ROMs from calculators, if you would prefer to not transfer files back and forth.
ElectronicsGeek wrote:
Quick questions, what software should I use to dump my rom, and is it advisable to back up the contents of my flash and RAM on my TI-84 SE?
Yup, ROM8x would be my choice, as Elfprince13 said.
007901: I'm trying to debug sending files to non-TI-83+ calculators, in my very very meager free time. Can you tell me the size in bytes and version of your TI-84+SE ROM?
the size is 2.097.152 bytes, but I don´t know about a version. I just "created a ROM image using open source software" (one of the functions of wabbitemu), I selected TI-84-Plus SE. If you mean OS-version by version, then I used 2.55MP.
007901 wrote:
the size is 2.097.152 bytes, but I don´t know about a version. I just "created a ROM image using open source software" (one of the functions of wabbitemu), I selected TI-84-Plus SE. If you mean OS-version by version, then I used 2.55MP.
Yes, I meant version as in 2.55MP. Thanks; I will see what I can do with that information later tonight after work. Please feel free to bug me if I haven't posted my findings yet.
Edit: I was able to replicate this reported bug. I am investigating a fix.
Edit #2: I have successfully implemented a fix. Now for fixing sending files and apps, the frequently-mentioned bug.
Well, I am getting nothing from using jsTIfied and sourcecoder. If I try to load my program to the emu from SC with a ti84+se 2.55MP rom, no programs are transferred.
Nice emulator, btw. Also, I see what you did with the RTC.
Also, you should let the user close out of messages from jsTIfied in SC, like the load programs or load ROM boxes.
Yes, sending files with non-TI-83+s is still not working, despite some time spent from my meager pool of free time to try to fix it. That applies to both sending .8xp files and sending files from SourceCoder.
This is an amazing program. I see the TI-84 SE ROM works fine now! Making screenshots is very handy. And there you can put apps like Doors CS on it. Nice. And it is fast. There is a lot of other stuff, stuff I don't understand. Doesn't matter. Great work! No bugs found (, yet?).
I have some questions: Is the time standard the same as the site-time or the computer-time? And how did you do the split screen thing?
Many thanks! I'm glad to hear that you find it useful, complete, and bug-free, and I trust you'll let me know if you find any problems. Regarding your questions:
1) The time standard is your local computer time. If it's wrong, it means your browser's time zone isn't set properly.
2) In the screenshot? That the G-T (graph-table) view that has been present since at least the TI-82 or TI-83 non-plus.
Bug report: Garbage collecting in TIOS causes the OS to lock up.
AHelper wrote:
Bug report: Garbage collecting in TIOS causes the OS to lock up.
Excellent report! I was able to replicate this bug. The OS appears to be stuck in a loop between $813B and $8142 on RAM Page 1. I need to figure out what code it's running to see what it's waiting for there. Flash unlocking, perhaps, now that I've overhauled how unlocking Flash works?
Other things mentioned recently:
- Add a governor to check how well it's running in realtime, try doing frame-dropping if needed
- Is it worth it having port 27/28 in there just for TI-Boy? Seems to slow everything down.
Code: Uncaught ReferenceError: debug_adrtopage is not defined jstified_compressed.js:383
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null saxjax.js:242
5Uncaught ReferenceError: debug_popfields is not defined /projects/jstified/:411
Uncaught ReferenceError: debug_adrtopage is not defined jstified_compressed.js:383
Uncaught ReferenceError: debug_step is not defined
It doesn't run at all with GlassOS. The debugger is non-responsive and so is the emu.
All fixed; I was working on the debugger. It can disassemble the whole memory of the calculator, but I've limited it to 0x0000-0x00FF for now.
Hehe, that isn't too helpful right now
It still doesn't work. Also, my latest GlassOS build is non-stop crashing in WabbitEmu
AHelper wrote:
Hehe, that isn't too helpful right now
I doubt you want your browser to freeze for 10 seconds every time you hit step. I still have to do work to cache the results so it doesn't need to regenerate the whole memory map's worth of disassembly on every step. The options are:
(1) Detect writes and page-map changes, and regenerate subsets of the disassembly based on that
(2) Only disassembly PC-N through PC+N bytes or lines of code, and allow the user to jump to arbitrary sections of memory if they desire.
Edit: What doesn't work? And crashing in what way?
Nothing happens when I load the rom. Also, I don't know what is wrong with the trunk builds. I don't have the time ATM to debug.
After a minute of letting it run, it finally started to work. No idea as the rom didn't change.
Also, giving it a new rom doesn't do anything... I let it run and it nukes itself, as normal now. I reset it and it gives a bootfree error. I give it a new rom and it doesn't change the rom.