rthprog wrote:
TheStorm wrote:
To put it simply you recommend iOS because you are an Apple fanboi and you enjoy the taste of their kool-aid
It's some good kool aid
rthprog wrote:
TheStorm wrote:
I got by just fine with resistive touch, and Opera Mobile on WinMo is a hell of a lot better than Safari ever was.
Out of curiosity, why do you love Opera mini? I use it on my non-smart phone, and I've never been particularly enthralled by it. It works, but I prefer Safari's responsiveness and rendering.
rthprog wrote:
TheStorm wrote:
For instance I kinda like having hardware buttons, and preferably more than 2 usable ones.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe ICS is switching to all-touch buttons.
Touch buttons are fine for some things, but I want a real keyboard and that is something you just cannot get with an Apple device, with all the big android players they have at least two high end phones the one with the hardware keyboard and the one without. That said some implement those keyboards better than others, and I have to say HTC does a damn fine job there, even rivaling the feel and comfortableness of many RIM devices.
rthprog wrote:
TheStorm wrote:
Not to mention the whole, you can't run more than one application at a time bullcrap, at least even Apple learned that one was retarded. If I want to do multitasking then let me, stop trying to protect me from myself just to make the phone seem faster. I could go on but I think you get the point.
Sure, iOS used to lack copy and paste, multitasking, and even apps themselves. But now it has these features, and they've been implemented really well. We can argue about the merits of iOS multitasking, but the point is iOS has had it for a while now.
My point was that iOS when orgininally released was a major step back from the "Awkward" touchscreen devices of the past. And while they have now surpassed them in features it wouldn't take much to get a late build of WinMo 6.5 competitive with the latest iOS release if MS wished. They of course decided to start from scratch with WP7 and it seems like they made some good choices, but they are far from being on par with Android and iOS or even the late builds of WinMo 6.5.x. Only time will tell if WP7 can get critical mass but from what I've been seeing that will happen and we shall soon have a 3 player market which will surely put a dent in both Android's and WinMo's market shares. And I am still waiting to see how RIM fairs. The BB system still has a strong foothold but the devices are starting to feel dated and fixing that without loosing what makes them great will be a challenge for RIM but I think they can pull it off.