You asked for info, you got it.
Right now, Ashbad's got me working on something for the title screen. My plans for this will remain a mystery for now, but as anyone who's worked with me before will know, there will be themes, and they will show up in loads of other tracks I do for this project. Creating those little motifs is what I live for. ^^
I'm also working on a "remastered" version of the Overworld theme, in true chip style. Which is to say I'm going to keep the basic melody line, arpeggiate everything to hell, NOISE DRUMSSSSSSSS and a handful of cool harmonies I've been working out. And more themes.
I've also got a handful of other things I've been tossing around. Little fanfares and such, perhaps a "Game Over" tune, and an "Item Get" that IMO rivals Zelda's Four Notes of Win in pure catchiness and YESSSSS factor...You'll hear those when they're finished. Rest assured that I have a LOT planned for this project. I tend to go a little insane with my composing.
Typically, I work with NES channels (2xsquare, 1xtriangle, 1xnoise, 1xDPCM), and even though the project's done in a Game Boy style, I likely won't change that, as I hate working with the weird free-form channel on the Game Boy and it's frankly a pain to get working properly with Famitracker. Besides, not many people are going to notice the difference anyway. ^^
Composing everything, watch the thread.