*bump* I have finished PartyMode 2, although documentation is incomplete. I worked on the following tasks today:
- Removed incorrect 1uF resistor between 74HC959 latch pin and ground. The
Arduino ShiftOut tutorial has an error.
- Due to an 74HC959 that got damaged during soldering, the fans did not work, and the IC would get very hot during operation. Painfully soldered the chip, replaced it with a 16-pin socket and a new IC. Tested the fans functioning. Here's how that ended up looking:
- Added sockets on the 12V power pans for easy connecting and disconnecting of power
- Added nifty D-sub socket with mechanical wire retention (ie, solderless) for sending the fan and LED signals from this low-voltage control board to the high-voltage control board.
- Finished constructing and testing the entire system. The only thing that doesn't seem to be working right is the MODE button, and I think that's because the firmware has the wrong input pin configured for the button.
A history of this long-running project, videos, and documentation will be coming soon.