[]Syntax Checking
[]Would be neat if it would show better formating when you are editing/creating a program using it. Like indenting within conditional and loop structures and such to improve readability and still produce a saveable version that doesn't have the tabs.
[]I think it might be too hard but, it would be really cool if as you were typing in a command it had a little popup box that showed you the correct syntax and parameters for that specific command. Like in the VB6 developing studio.
[]Auto optomization. Like automatically getting rid of closing parenthasees and quotes in the saved version. Also it could do other simple one's like making if then's that exectute one command to be just If's.
[]Would be really cool if you could use more descriptive labels when you are programming on it. Then when it saved it, it could convert them all into the two character format.
I don't know if my suggestions are taking it to far, but as I envision it, source coder could become an alternative to the ProgramEditor.