Is there a getkey routine that allows multiple keys to be checked for being pressed at the exact same time? Such as, it returns an array of all the keys, and you could do something like this?
I noticed Kerm's new routine for key reading seems to work with key rows and key columns, and the other one that was non-blocking used some sort of "unsigned char buffer[12]" against which to check for key values, that was condensed into one "key" value. Would I be able to check rows/columns or parts of that small buffer for multiple keys at the same time?
char key[];
key = GetKeyASDF();
if(key[KEY_PRGM_RIGHT]&&key[KEY_PRGM_SHIFT]) { ... }
I noticed Kerm's new routine for key reading seems to work with key rows and key columns, and the other one that was non-blocking used some sort of "unsigned char buffer[12]" against which to check for key values, that was condensed into one "key" value. Would I be able to check rows/columns or parts of that small buffer for multiple keys at the same time?