I could send all processes a SIGPWR signal, unless any process is catching or blocking that signal. But I'm not sure that's the most elegant way to handle the power off mode. I'll have to think about it some more before I commit to any method.
Lionel: I meant to ask you in an earlier post about libticables: is there a way to communicate with a calculator as if it were a regular serial device? That is, can I connect to it through a device file like /dev/ttyS0, so I can use a terminal program like minicom to talk to it? Or will I have to build a true serial converter device? I'd like to talk to a real calculator or even to Tiemu, since libticables obviously supports virtual cables too.
Unrelated edit: I finally installed Punix on my TI-92+!!! I was surprised that it works pretty well, especially considering that it's the first test on real hardware. Here's a live-action screenshot (aka photo):
Lionel: I meant to ask you in an earlier post about libticables: is there a way to communicate with a calculator as if it were a regular serial device? That is, can I connect to it through a device file like /dev/ttyS0, so I can use a terminal program like minicom to talk to it? Or will I have to build a true serial converter device? I'd like to talk to a real calculator or even to Tiemu, since libticables obviously supports virtual cables too.
Unrelated edit: I finally installed Punix on my TI-92+!!! I was surprised that it works pretty well, especially considering that it's the first test on real hardware. Here's a live-action screenshot (aka photo):