- Internet + Calculators: Introducing gCn 1.0
- 11 Feb 2011 01:00:53 pm
- Last edited by KermMartian on 22 Feb 2011 03:43:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
At least six years after I first created the globalCALCnet (gCn) concept, and roughly eight years after my first designs for CALCnet, I am happy to announce gCn 1.0. While CALCnet 2.2 allows from two to two million calculators to connect in local-area networks, global CALCnet can link multiple CALCnet networks across the internet, and can even offer internet-based services to calculators, such as connections to IRC and other chat protocols, bridging between desktop and calculator games, calculator file repositories, and much more. To connect one or more calculators to global CALCnet, all one needs is a $30 Arduino development board or to build the cheaper but more complex USBHID Bridge design, previously known as the "$10 Bridge". Creation and usage of each type of bridge is detailed in the gCn documentation, as is loading of the requisite firmware to the bridge's microcontroller, and the usage of the gCnClient computer-side software, available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
Every project released that works over CALCnet works over globalCALCnet as well, including CALCnet Chat! v1.0, NetPong v1.0, the CALCnet SpeedTest program, and the up-and-coming Obliterate scorched-earth game. I strongly encourage everyone with an AVR microcontroller, an Arduino board, or a bit of electronics knowledge to put a gCn Bridge together and connect your calculators to the internet! On the ardent requests of many Cemetechians, I will in the near future be attempting to make a gCnClient that can link TI-84+ and TI-84+SE calculators to gCn directly via the calcilators' miniUSB port, which will require significant Doors CS modification as well as USB headaches host-side. Feel free to weigh in on your opinions or possible offers of assistance for that!
globalCALCnet (gCn) Client v1.0
On the Design and Usage of globalCALCnet (gCn)
Every project released that works over CALCnet works over globalCALCnet as well, including CALCnet Chat! v1.0, NetPong v1.0, the CALCnet SpeedTest program, and the up-and-coming Obliterate scorched-earth game. I strongly encourage everyone with an AVR microcontroller, an Arduino board, or a bit of electronics knowledge to put a gCn Bridge together and connect your calculators to the internet! On the ardent requests of many Cemetechians, I will in the near future be attempting to make a gCnClient that can link TI-84+ and TI-84+SE calculators to gCn directly via the calcilators' miniUSB port, which will require significant Doors CS modification as well as USB headaches host-side. Feel free to weigh in on your opinions or possible offers of assistance for that!