- GlassOS - FORTH progress!
- 30 Jan 2011 02:30:08 am
- Last edited by AHelper on 31 Aug 2016 10:11:41 pm; edited 53 times in total

GlassOS - What is it?
An operating system for the ti84pse that was programmed in C
When will a usable release be done?
(near) Final package, SDK, OS, and PC software, will be ready soon.
Why even bother with this?
- Programs are written in C
- More available memory to use
- Pre-made libraries ready to be used
- A usable, yet basic system with expandability through programs
- Programs can be installed as packages easily from PC software and rated/commented on
This OS is not meant to provide compatibility with other OS's. It is a total replacement. It is able to run on the ti84+ and ti84+se. The OS can boot on the ti83+SE, but doesn't have any linking support right now and may not in the future.
How would I try this OS?
You are free to download an 8xu-only zip from http://sf.net/projects/glassos/files and run it in WabbitEmu. Those zips are outdated and the latest 8xu should be built from svn. I can also provide rom snapshots of my latest work from svn. Simply ask for the url and I will get it to you.
How can I get it on my own calculator?
Not complete! Firstly, the OS is only compatible with Linux-based computers.
You must build the OS from svn. Instructions are posted on the doxygen pages here.
TiLP must be installed as well to send the OS. The glassLink program is provided to communicate with the OS over USB.
How different is it from TIOS?
First off, try the 8xu's from sourceforge. If you cannot/don't want to, I can summarize the initial experience with a screenshot:

The OS is basic and allows the end user to choose what to have on their calculator. No math program is included with the OS, however one already exists. If different programs are made to do the same thing, you can choose which to use rather than having one tied to the OS.
You can see a list of development pictures from when it went public to now here: https://cloud.ahelper.me/pub/glassos/viewer.php. Don't mind the ugly page

There is no on-calc programming language yet, this will happen in the future ***
How can I start developing? Do I need to know z80 assembly first?
You can start developing by using my documentation at https://cloud.ahelper.me/pub/glassos/man/. This has tutorials and API documentation and examples included. Knowledge of C is needed, but assembly knowledge is not. There is an SDK now available that contains the headers, crt0's, and sample code.
Programs can easily be made, such as:
#include <glassos.h>
void main()
puts("Hello World!");
What happens to my data already on my calc?
Since GlassOS provides no compatibility, all data is erased from it. Be aware that the RAM is immediately clear when the OS loads! The flash must be reformatted before the OS can be used, however not done automatically. You must back up all data, including apps.
What if I don't want GlassOS on my calc anymore?
You are free to put another OS on it, but be aware that the RAM and ROM must be cleared. Dual booting is not being worked on.
The keys in this OS are messed up. How does anything work?
The setup program refers to this page: https://cloud.ahelper.me/pub/glassos/keymap.php For example, pressing 4 ▪▪ ALPHA ▪▪ 5 ▪▪ 2ND ▪▪ (-) will enter "4u!". Pressing 2 will type "Z" because the key modifiers lock once hit. Pressing them again unlocks them.
To close programs, the Quit button (MODE) is used. To background a task, press STAT. When in the Launcher, you can see running processes by pressing PRGM (or APPS, I forget and am too lazy to look)
I have a question/bug/request, where do I go?
You can of course ask questions here. However, http://sf.net/projects/glassos can be used for bugs (under tracker) and requests/questions (forum).
Where can I see programs/upload programs for GlassOS?
Packages for GlassOS can be installed from either package files (*.gp) or from a public repo (temporarily here). Now, remember that I cannot upload anything to that site as sf.net's terms don't let me do that. If anyone is willing to let me put up that site, please contact me

Packages may be installed using the PC software (opens either packages or the web page). Packages can be uninstalled by using a program on-calc (not completed).
What major features are working?
- Greyscale
- USB stack and a few services, including file transfer (Thanks to the Linky source code
- Tasking
- (working, not finished) Package management
- Other stuff I see as minor features...