Since one of the central game mechanics will be the ability to build vehicles and then pilot/drive them, and use them in combat, it seems sensible to provide some bounds on the abilities of the vehicles (at least by default) to help server administrators maintain a reasonable environment (at least by default). My proposal is that in the default combat game mode, the following rules (or a variant thereof) be applied in determining the technological capabilities of a user-constructed vehicle (to avoid the 2x4 flying carpet with MASSSIVE LAZ0RZ and 31337^31337 health in your average game where most people would prefer to be building AT-ATs, snubfighters, capital ships, whatever).
The basic gist is that users a given an allotment of "awesome points" for every vehicle they create, which will be spent upgrading the basic capabilities of their creation (which will vary for wheeled creations, seafaring/submarine creations, flying things, hovercrafts, mechs, and what-have-you). Obviously a fixed budget of points doesn't make sense, since someone who has spent 8 hours building the Galactica or an Ancient city-ship should be allowed to equip it more awesomely than flying carpet kid. The trouble is in determining a fair allotment of points. If we base it on the number of bricks involved in construction and the total volume of the creation involved, we can define 1 Std Awesome Voxel as having the volume of a 2x4x1 Brick and use the following pseudocode:
I'm sure there are server administrators among us who would be intensely amused to provide infinite awesome to flying carpet kid, and it's their prerogative to do so. To that end, I am considering that the formula above should be scalable by a factor determined by the technologies involved in building the ship. Server operators would be able to configure various tech definitions, and choose which to enable for a given game (or on a per-user basis, trusted users getting access higher technology). Investments of awesome would be scaled by a factor related to the technology they have selected.
Additionally, each user would be allotted "magic points" which would slowly accumulate over time. If they choose to imbue some of their magical properties in a creation, that would increase the awesome points available for customizing that creation, but in doing so they would drain their magic store. Like with tech, individual server operators would have the ability to limit (or disable) the use of magic on their server. This could take the form of limiting the total magic points which a particular user could accumulate (with separate limits for different classes of users, again based on permissions), or placing a cap on the total amount of magic that can be spent customizing any one item.
Constructive remarks please?
The basic gist is that users a given an allotment of "awesome points" for every vehicle they create, which will be spent upgrading the basic capabilities of their creation (which will vary for wheeled creations, seafaring/submarine creations, flying things, hovercrafts, mechs, and what-have-you). Obviously a fixed budget of points doesn't make sense, since someone who has spent 8 hours building the Galactica or an Ancient city-ship should be allowed to equip it more awesomely than flying carpet kid. The trouble is in determining a fair allotment of points. If we base it on the number of bricks involved in construction and the total volume of the creation involved, we can define 1 Std Awesome Voxel as having the volume of a 2x4x1 Brick and use the following pseudocode:
if(brickCount/voxelSizein2x4s < 0.1) //Lots of empty space to fake awesome - based on the ratio between the volumes 2x4x1 and 6x8x(1/3) and fudge
awesomeScale = brickCount/voxelSizein2x4s;
} else if(voxelSizein2x4s/brickCount < 0.2) // Brick spamming to fake awesome - based on the ratio between the volumes 2x1x1s and 2x4x1s and fudge
awesomeScale = voxelSizein2x4s/brickCount;
} else{
awesomeScale = 1;
awesomePoints = sqrt(voxelSizein2x4s * brickCount) * awesomeScale;
I'm sure there are server administrators among us who would be intensely amused to provide infinite awesome to flying carpet kid, and it's their prerogative to do so. To that end, I am considering that the formula above should be scalable by a factor determined by the technologies involved in building the ship. Server operators would be able to configure various tech definitions, and choose which to enable for a given game (or on a per-user basis, trusted users getting access higher technology). Investments of awesome would be scaled by a factor related to the technology they have selected.
Additionally, each user would be allotted "magic points" which would slowly accumulate over time. If they choose to imbue some of their magical properties in a creation, that would increase the awesome points available for customizing that creation, but in doing so they would drain their magic store. Like with tech, individual server operators would have the ability to limit (or disable) the use of magic on their server. This could take the form of limiting the total magic points which a particular user could accumulate (with separate limits for different classes of users, again based on permissions), or placing a cap on the total amount of magic that can be spent customizing any one item.
Constructive remarks please?