well, one thing I am really wondering is how the speed of the calc affects calcnet transmissions and such
qazz42 wrote:
well, one thing I am really wondering is how the speed of the calc affects calcnet transmissions and such
None whatsoever; note that CALCnet operates on 6MHz speeds, so everything is (forced) to operate at the same slower speeds. You could run a 15MHz CALCnet network with obviously 2.5x the throughput, but no 6MHz calcs could connect.
*bump* So this is what I have to work with. Discuss.
CALCnet2.2 code is 901 bytes long
-Page 0----------------------
> Page 0: vectors.asm is 1130 bytes long
> Page 0: ionlibsp0.inc is 614 bytes long
> Page 0: dcslibsp.inc is 1181 bytes long
> Page 0: fonts.inc is 1505 bytes long
> Page 0: basicprg.inc is 425 bytes long
> Page 0: detecttype.inc is 600 bytes long
> Page 0: vatfind.asm is 534 bytes long
> Page 0: runprog.asm is 2176 bytes long
> Page 0: progchain.asm is 224 bytes long
> Page 0: sortalph.inc is 430 bytes long
> Page 0: ap.asm is 244 bytes long
> Page 0: easteregg.asm is 590 bytes long
> Page 0: mouse_p0.asm is 640 bytes long
> Page 0: fldsv.asm is 480 bytes long
> Page 0: main.asm is 5104 bytes long
-Page 1----------------------
> Page 1: moslibs.asm is 1566 bytes long
> Page 1: ionlibsp1.inc is 495 bytes long
> Page 1: guitools.inc is 2638 bytes long
> Page 1: guimouse.asm is 4260 bytes long
> Page 1: mouse_p1.asm is 684 bytes long
> Page 1: startmenu.inc is 1297 bytes long
> Page 1: cedit.asm is 431 bytes long
> Page 1: apguis.asm is 1774 bytes long
> Page 1: propstring.asm is 115 bytes long
> Page 1: datap1.inc is 2668 bytes long
-Page 2----------------------
> Page 2: vectorsp3.asm is 24 bytes long
> Page 2: ionlibsp2.inc is 614 bytes long
> Page 2: parserhook.inc is 228 bytes long
> Page 2: c3_hook.asm is 987 bytes long
> Page 2: c3_std.asm is 1021 bytes long
> Page 2: c3_util.asm is 3481 bytes long
> Page 2: c3_xfn.asm is 2471 bytes long
> Page 2: c3_pfn.asm is 1628 bytes long
> Page 2: c3_cfn.asm is 2716 bytes long
> Page 2: dcsblibs.asm is 2855 bytes long
Page 0 is 16008 bytes long (376 bytes to spare)
Page 1 is 15931 bytes long (453 bytes to spare)
Page 2 is 16034 bytes long (350 bytes to spare)
Move propstring.asm to Page 0
Move parserhook.inc to Page 0
Move credit.asm to Page 2
Page 1 now has 999 bytes free, put it there.
Does that work?
Move parserhook.inc to Page 0
Move credit.asm to Page 2
Page 1 now has 999 bytes free, put it there.
Does that work?
That could work. I'll have to probably create some new bcalls for that, but those are only 3 bytes to 3+3+1 = 7 bytes of code each, so no biggie. I'll probably try to do a few optimization passes through the code first, too.
*bump* Please help Kerm quickly convert six-byte-per-char fonts into 3-bytes per char! For example:
It's simple nibble-packing except for characters 5 pixels wide or wider, which become pointers starting in $f[width], with the actual value in the comment. Here's the data still to convert; call your section, please:
.db 4,$80,$80,$A0,$C0,$A0 ;k
.db 3,$80,$80,$80,$80,$40 ;l
.db 6,$00,$D0,$A8,$A8,$88 ;m
.db 4,$00,$C0,$A0,$A0,$A0 ;n
.db 4,$00,$40,$A0,$A0,$40 ;o
.db $48,$8A,$CA ;k
.db $38,$88,$84 ;l
.db $f6,DCSF_GS_m ;$06,$00,$D0,$A8,$A8,$88 ;m
.db $40,$CA,$AA ;n
.db $40,$4A,$A4 ;o
.db 4,$00,$C0,$A0,$C0,$80 ;p
.db 4,$00,$60,$A0,$60,$20 ;q
.db 4,$00,$A0,$C0,$80,$80 ;r
.db 3,$00,$C0,$80,$40,$C0 ;s
.db 3,$80,$C0,$80,$80,$40 ;t
.db 4,$00,$A0,$A0,$A0,$E0 ;u
.db 4,$00,$A0,$A0,$40,$40 ;v
.db 6,$00,$88,$A8,$A8,$50 ;w
.db 4,$00,$A0,$40,$40,$A0 ;x
.db 4,$00,$A0,$A0,$40,$80 ;y
.db 5,$00,$F0,$20,$40,$F0 ;z
.db 4,$60,$40,$80,$40,$60 ;{
.db 2,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80 ;|
.db 4,$C0,$40,$20,$40,$C0 ;}
.db 5,$00,$50,$A0,$00,$00 ;~
.db 3,$E0,$00,$E0,$00,$E0 ;-=
.db 4,$E0,$A0,$A0,$A0,$E0 ;zero
.db 4,$40,$C0,$40,$40,$E0 ;one
.db 4,$C0,$20,$40,$80,$E0 ;two
.db 4,$C0,$20,$40,$20,$C0 ;three
.db 4,$80,$A0,$E0,$20,$20 ;four
.db 4,$E0,$80,$C0,$20,$C0 ;five
.db 4,$60,$80,$E0,$A0,$E0 ;six
.db 4,$E0,$20,$40,$80,$80 ;seven
.db 4,$E0,$A0,$E0,$A0,$E0 ;eight
.db 4,$E0,$A0,$E0,$20,$C0 ;nine
.db 5,$20,$60,$90,$F0,$90 ;A'
.db 5,$40,$60,$90,$F0,$90 ;A`
.db 5,$60,$60,$90,$F0,$90 ;A*
.db 5,$90,$60,$90,$F0,$90 ;A:
.db 5,$20,$00,$60,$A0,$50 ;a'
.db 5,$40,$00,$60,$A0,$50 ;a`
.db 5,$40,$A0,$60,$A0,$50 ;a^
.db 5,$A0,$00,$60,$A0,$50 ;a:
.db 5,$80,$70,$60,$40,$70 ;E'
.db 5,$10,$E0,$C0,$80,$E0 ;E`
.db 4,$40,$00,$E0,$C0,$E0 ;E^
.db 5,$A0,$E0,$C0,$80,$E0 ;E:
.db 4,$20,$40,$C0,$A0,$60 ;e'
.db 4,$80,$40,$C0,$A0,$60 ;e`
.db 4,$40,$40,$C0,$A0,$60 ;e^
.db 4,$A0,$40,$C0,$A0,$60 ;e:
.db 4,$20,$E0,$40,$40,$E0 ;I'
.db 4,$80,$E0,$40,$40,$E0 ;I`
.db 4,$40,$E0,$40,$40,$E0 ;I^
.db 4,$A0,$E0,$40,$40,$E0 ;I:
.db 4,$20,$00,$C0,$40,$E0 ;i'
.db 4,$80,$00,$C0,$40,$E0 ;i`
.db 4,$40,$00,$C0,$40,$E0 ;i^
.db 4,$A0,$00,$C0,$40,$E0 ;i:
.db 6,$10,$70,$88,$88,$70 ;O'
.db 6,$40,$70,$88,$88,$70 ;O`
.db 6,$20,$70,$88,$88,$70 ;O^
.db 6,$50,$70,$88,$88,$70 ;O:
.db 6,$10,$00,$70,$88,$70 ;o'
.db 6,$40,$00,$70,$88,$70 ;o`
.db 6,$20,$00,$70,$88,$70 ;o^
.db 6,$50,$00,$70,$88,$70 ;o:
.db 4,$20,$40,$A0,$A0,$A0 ;U'
.db 4,$80,$40,$A0,$A0,$A0 ;U`
.db 4,$40,$A0,$00,$A0,$A0 ;U^
.db 4,$A0,$00,$A0,$A0,$A0 ;U:
.db 5,$20,$00,$A0,$A0,$50 ;u'
.db 5,$80,$00,$A0,$A0,$50 ;u`
.db 5,$40,$00,$A0,$A0,$50 ;u^
.db 5,$A0,$00,$A0,$A0,$50 ;u:
.db 4,$60,$80,$80,$60,$C0 ;C5
.db 4,$00,$60,$80,$60,$C0 ;c5
.db 5,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;N~
.db 5,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;n~
.db 3,$40,$80,$00,$00,$00 ;'
.db 3,$80,$40,$00,$00,$00 ;`
.db 4,$A0,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;^:
.db 4,$40,$00,$40,$80,$60 ;^?
.db 2,$80,$00,$80,$80,$80 ;^!
.db 5,$00,$50,$A0,$A0,$50 ;alpha
.db 4,$40,$A0,$C0,$A0,$C0 ;beta
.db 5,$10,$50,$A0,$20,$20 ;gamma
.db 6,$00,$20,$50,$88,$F8 ;delta
.db 4,$40,$80,$40,$A0,$40 ;??
.db 4,$60,$80,$F0,$80,$60 ;epsilon
.db 3,$C0,$80,$80,$80,$C0 ;[
.db 4,$80,$40,$40,$A0,$A0 ;sigma
.db 5,$00,$A0,$A0,$F0,$80 ;micro
.db 6,$00,$F8,$50,$50,$50 ;pi
.db 5,$20,$50,$60,$40,$80 ;psi
.db 5,$F0,$40,$20,$40,$F0 ;Sigma
.db 5,$00,$70,$A0,$A0,$40 ;hmmm
.db 5,$00,$E0,$40,$50,$20 ;tau
.db 6,$20,$70,$A8,$70,$20 ;Psi
.db 6,$70,$88,$88,$50,$D8 ;Omega
.db 4,$E0,$00,$A0,$40,$A0 ;x-bar
.db 4,$E0,$00,$A0,$40,$80 ;y-bar
.db 4,$A0,$40,$A0,$00,$00 ;^x
.db 4,$00,$00,$00,$00,$E0 ;underscore
.db 4,$20,$60,$E0,$60,$20 ;<|
.db 3,$00,$C0,$C0,$00,$00 ;square
.db 4,$20,$20,$40,$80,$80 ;/
.db 3,$00,$00,$C0,$00,$00 ;-
.db 4,$C0,$20,$40,$E0,$00 ;^2
.db 4,$40,$A0,$40,$00,$00 ;^o
.db 4,$E0,$40,$20,$C0,$00 ;^3
.db 5,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;CR
.db 4,$80,$00,$80,$A0,$C0 ;imag
.db 4,$40,$C0,$A0,$C0,$80 ;??
.db 4,$80,$A0,$40,$A0,$20 ;??
.db 4,$E0,$80,$E0,$80,$80 ;FinF
.db 4,$00,$40,$A0,$C0,$60 ;2.717 e
.db 3,$00,$80,$80,$80,$E0 ;list L
.db 3,$C0,$A0,$A0,$A0,$A0 ;crampedN
.db 4,$A0,$50,$50,$50,$50 ;scriptcrampedN
.db 3,$C0,$80,$C0,$80,$C0 ;crampedE
.db 3,$40,$E0,$E0,$E0,$40 ;formulaDiamond
- Guru-in-Training (Posts: 2867)
- 27 Sep 2010 09:31:20 pm
- Last edited by souvik1997 on 27 Sep 2010 09:38:03 pm; edited 2 times in total
Me does last section:
one moment...
.db 3,$00,$C0,$C0,$00,$00 ;square
.db 4,$20,$20,$40,$80,$80 ;/
.db 3,$00,$00,$C0,$00,$00 ;-
.db 4,$C0,$20,$40,$E0,$00 ;^2
.db 4,$40,$A0,$40,$00,$00 ;^o
.db 4,$E0,$40,$20,$C0,$00 ;^3
.db 5,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;CR
.db 4,$80,$00,$80,$A0,$C0 ;imag
.db 4,$40,$C0,$A0,$C0,$80 ;??
.db 4,$80,$A0,$40,$A0,$20 ;??
.db 4,$E0,$80,$E0,$80,$80 ;FinF
.db 4,$00,$40,$A0,$C0,$60 ;2.717 e
.db 3,$00,$80,$80,$80,$E0 ;list L
.db 3,$C0,$A0,$A0,$A0,$A0 ;crampedN
.db 4,$A0,$50,$50,$50,$50 ;scriptcrampedN
.db 3,$C0,$80,$C0,$80,$C0 ;crampedE
.db 3,$40,$E0,$E0,$E0,$40 ;formulaDiamond
.db $30,$CC,$00
.db $42,$24,88
.db $30,$0C,$00
.db $4C,$24,$E0
.db $44,$A4,$00
.db $4E,$42,$C0
.db $50,$00,$00
.db $48,$08,$AC
.db $44,$C8,$CA
.db $48,$A4,$A2
.db $4E,$8E,$88
.db $40,$4A,$C6
.db $30,$88,$8E
.db $3C,$AA,$AA
.db $48,$55,$55
.db $3C,8C,$8C
.db $34,$EE,$E4
one moment...
.db 3,$00,$C0,$C0,$00,$00 ;square
.db 4,$20,$20,$40,$80,$80 ;/
.db 3,$00,$00,$C0,$00,$00 ;-
.db 4,$C0,$20,$40,$E0,$00 ;^2
.db 4,$40,$A0,$40,$00,$00 ;^o
.db 4,$E0,$40,$20,$C0,$00 ;^3
.db 5,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;CR
.db 4,$80,$00,$80,$A0,$C0 ;imag
.db 4,$40,$C0,$A0,$C0,$80 ;??
.db 4,$80,$A0,$40,$A0,$20 ;??
.db 4,$E0,$80,$E0,$80,$80 ;FinF
.db 4,$00,$40,$A0,$C0,$60 ;2.717 e
.db 3,$00,$80,$80,$80,$E0 ;list L
.db 3,$C0,$A0,$A0,$A0,$A0 ;crampedN
.db 4,$A0,$50,$50,$50,$50 ;scriptcrampedN
.db 3,$C0,$80,$C0,$80,$C0 ;crampedE
.db 3,$40,$E0,$E0,$E0,$40 ;formulaDiamond
.db $30,$CC,$00
.db $42,$24,88
.db $30,$0C,$00
.db $4C,$24,$E0
.db $44,$A4,$00
.db $4E,$42,$C0
.db $50,$00,$00
.db $48,$08,$AC
.db $44,$C8,$CA
.db $48,$A4,$A2
.db $4E,$8E,$88
.db $40,$4A,$C6
.db $30,$88,$8E
.db $3C,$AA,$AA
.db $48,$55,$55
.db $3C,8C,$8C
.db $34,$EE,$E4
- MufinMcFlufin
- Advanced Member (Posts: 268)
- 27 Sep 2010 09:32:18 pm
- Last edited by MufinMcFlufin on 27 Sep 2010 09:42:04 pm; edited 2 times in total
I guess I'll start with the third section then
.db $54,$A6,$A5 ;a^
.db $5A,$06,$A5 ;a:
.db $58,$76,$47 ;E'
.db $51,$EC,$8E ;E`
.db $44,$0E,$CE ;E^
.db $5A,$EC,$8E ;E:
.db $42,$4C,$A6 ;e'
.db $48,$4C,$A6 ;e`
.db $44,$4C,$A6 ;e^
.db $4A,$4C,$A6 ;e:
.db $42,$E4,$4E ;I'
.db $48,$E4,$4E ;I`
.db $44,$E4,$4E ;I^
.db $4A,$E4,$4E ;I:
.db $42,$0C,$4E ;i'
.db $48,$0C,$4E ;i`
I'll start at "i^ ", then. Post up when you finish a section. Thanks so much, guys!
Souvik: 1st
Muffin: 3rd
Me: 4th
Sonlen: 5th
Merth: Last
Souvik: 1st
Muffin: 3rd
Me: 4th
Sonlen: 5th
Merth: Last
Wait I said I'd do the top...
Did I do it right?!
.db 40,$CA,$C8 ;p
.db 40,$6A,$62 ;q
.db 40,$AC,$88 ;r
.db 30,$C8,$4C ;s
.db 38,$C8,$84 ;t
.db 40,$AA,$AE ;u
.db 40,$AA,$44 ;v
.db 60,$8A,$A5 ;w
.db 40,$A4,$4A ;x
.db 40,$AA,$48 ;y
.db 50,$F2,$4F ;z
.db 46,$48,$46 ;{
.db 28,$88,$88 ;|
.db 4C,$42,$4C ;}
.db 50,$5A,$00 ;~
.db 30,$0E,$0E ;-=
Sorry, I did switch you. Merth, you did everything write except the 6-width, but I can quick fix that. I finished my section:
.db $44,$0C,$4E ;i^
.db $4A,$0C,$4E ;i:
.db $f6,DCSF_GS_Oprime ;$06,$10,$70,$88,$88,$70 ;O'
.db $f6,DCSF_GS_Oacute ;$06,$40,$70,$88,$88,$70 ;O`
.db $f6,DCSF_GS_Ohat ;$06,$20,$70,$88,$88,$70 ;O^
.db $f6,DCSF_GS_Oumlaut ;$06,$50,$70,$88,$88,$70 ;O:
.db $f6,DCSF_GS_olprime ;$06,$10,$00,$70,$88,$70 ;o'
.db $f6,DCSF_GS_olacute ;$06,$40,$00,$70,$88,$70 ;o`
.db $f6,DCSF_GS_olhat ;$06,$20,$00,$70,$88,$70 ;o^
.db $f6,DCSF_GS_olumlaut ;$06,$50,$00,$70,$88,$70 ;o:
.db $42,$4A,$AA ;U'
.db $48,$4A,$AA ;U`
.db $44,$A0,$AA ;U^
.db $4A,$0A,$AA ;U:
.db $f5,DCSF_GS_ulprime ;$05,$20,$00,$A0,$A0,$50 ;u'
.db $f5,DCSF_GS_ulacute ;$05,$80,$00,$A0,$A0,$50 ;u`
.db $4E,$AA,$AE ;zero
.db $44,$C4,$4E ;one
.db $4C,$24,$8E ;two
.db $4C,$24,$2C ;three
.db $48,$AE,$22 ;four
.db $4E,$8C,$2C ;five
.db $45,$8E,$AE ;six
.db $4E,$24,$88 ;seven
.db $4E,$AE,$AE ;eight
.db $4E,$AE,$2C ;nine
.db $52,$69,$F9 ;A'
.db $54,$69,$F9 ;A`
.db $56,$69,$F9 ;A*
.db $59,$59,$F9 ;A:
.db $52,$06,$A5 ;a'
.db $54,$06,$A5 ;a`
That was tedious...
Thanks tanner! I did about 128 characters before I thought to ask for you guys' help.
Edit: Just two more left! If you have a sec, I'd love the help:
Edit: Just two more left! If you have a sec, I'd love the help:
.db 5,$40,$00,$A0,$A0,$50 ;u^
.db 5,$A0,$00,$A0,$A0,$50 ;u:
.db 4,$60,$80,$80,$60,$C0 ;C5
.db 4,$00,$60,$80,$60,$C0 ;c5
.db 5,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;N~
.db 5,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;n~
.db 3,$40,$80,$00,$00,$00 ;'
.db 3,$80,$40,$00,$00,$00 ;`
.db 4,$A0,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;^:
.db 4,$40,$00,$40,$80,$60 ;^?
.db 2,$80,$00,$80,$80,$80 ;^!
.db 5,$00,$50,$A0,$A0,$50 ;alpha
.db 4,$40,$A0,$C0,$A0,$C0 ;beta
.db 5,$10,$50,$A0,$20,$20 ;gamma
.db 6,$00,$20,$50,$88,$F8 ;delta
.db 4,$40,$80,$40,$A0,$40 ;??
.db 4,$60,$80,$F0,$80,$60 ;epsilon
.db 3,$C0,$80,$80,$80,$C0 ;[
.db 4,$80,$40,$40,$A0,$A0 ;sigma
.db 5,$00,$A0,$A0,$F0,$80 ;micro
.db 6,$00,$F8,$50,$50,$50 ;pi
.db 5,$20,$50,$60,$40,$80 ;psi
.db 5,$F0,$40,$20,$40,$F0 ;Sigma
.db 5,$00,$70,$A0,$A0,$40 ;hmmm
.db 5,$00,$E0,$40,$50,$20 ;tau
.db 6,$20,$70,$A8,$70,$20 ;Psi
.db 6,$70,$88,$88,$50,$D8 ;Omega
.db 4,$E0,$00,$A0,$40,$A0 ;x-bar
.db 4,$E0,$00,$A0,$40,$80 ;y-bar
.db 4,$A0,$40,$A0,$00,$00 ;^x
.db 4,$00,$00,$00,$00,$E0 ;underscore
.db 4,$20,$60,$E0,$60,$20 ;<|
.db $54,$0A,$A5 ;u^
.db $5A,$0A,$A5 ;u:
.db $46,$88,$6C ;C5
.db $40,$68,$6C ;c5
.db $50,$00,$00 ;N~
.db $50,$00,$00 ;n~
.db $34,$80,$00 ;'
.db $38,$40,$00 ;`
.db $4A,$00,$00 ;^:
.db $44,$04,$86 ;^?
.db $28,$08,$88 ;^!
.db $50,$5A,$A5 ;alpha
.db $44,$AC,$AC ;beta
.db $51,$5A,$22 ;gamma
.db $60,$25,$88,$F8 ;delta
.db $44,$84,$A4 ;??
comicIDIOT wrote:
KermMartian wrote:
Stop double-posting. If you can't edit your posts, delete your old post before you post a new post.
I am too lazy to actually make my own post so instead I quote people and then don't say anything newdragon1414@att.net / Google and Yahoo E-Mail
- MufinMcFlufin
- Advanced Member (Posts: 268)
- 27 Sep 2010 09:55:07 pm
- Last edited by MufinMcFlufin on 27 Sep 2010 10:03:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
.db $46,$8F,$86 ;epsilon
.db $3C,$88,$8C ;[
.db $48,$44,$AA ;sigma
.db $50,$AA,$F8 ;micro
.db $52,$56,$48 ;psi
.db $5F,$42,$4F ;Sigma
.db $50,$7A,$A4 ;hmmm
.db $50,$E4,$52 ;tau
.db $4E,$0A,$4A ;x-bar
.db $4E,$0A,$48 ;y-bar
.db $4A,$4A,$00 ;^x
.db $40,$00,$0E ;underscore
.db $42,$6E,$62 ;<|
Thanks Sonlen and Mufin! Although I am afraid you both ended up doing the same one.
Edit: Sonlen, Mufin, Souvik, Merth, _Player, thank you guys so much for your invaluable help! Now I just need to make the second vector table and the actual display routine.
Edit #2: With all the pure data corrections, I now have 850 bytes free on Page 0, because fonts.inc shrunk to 1031 bytes from 1505! Now I need to rewrite the code that draws the font and test it to make sure all the chars are intact.
Edit: Sonlen, Mufin, Souvik, Merth, _Player, thank you guys so much for your invaluable help! Now I just need to make the second vector table and the actual display routine.
Edit #2: With all the pure data corrections, I now have 850 bytes free on Page 0, because fonts.inc shrunk to 1031 bytes from 1505! Now I need to rewrite the code that draws the font and test it to make sure all the chars are intact.
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