None of these exist anymore, since the introduction of sax-ng. Topic retained for posterity. -- Tari
Un-stickying this topic and continuing to keep it for posterity. -- Kerm (2017-06-29)
I noticed some people searching for a list of SAX commands, so here they are:
:: !pm [username] [message] Send the specified user a short private message
:: !google [search terms] Returns the first Google result for the search terms, if results exist
:: !calc [math] Returns the result of calculations. Can do all four basic operations, and understands the constants pi and e.
:: !uptime Reveals Cemetech's uptime
:: !whereis [username] Prints the specified user's away message, if present
:: I am [away message] Sets your away message
:: What is my away message? Displays your currently-set away message
:: !time Displays the current time
:: !tempban user [user] [length] (Admin-only) Sets a temporary ban on the specified user
:: !flush [reason] (Admin-only) Clears SAX
foamy3 wrote:

No problem.
*necrosuperepicbump* In case anyone missed it, these are most of the commands non-admins have for SAX. Administrators, you have a separate set of commands that are listed in the relevant topic.
I've stickied this post for increased visibility.
Here's a list of tips and tricks you can use in SAX.
▪ "Where is <user>?" Where <user> is the username of a particular account on Cemetech.
Displays a message saying:
"<user> is <offline_message>. <user> was last seen online at <last_online_time>."
if they are offline. If they are online, a message similar to this shows:
"<user> is currently online. <user> was last online at <current_time>."
▪ "I am ..." This will set your offline message.
▪ "What time is it?" will tell you the current linux and SAX time. Local SAX time should be in your time-zone as set in your profile.
▪ Clickable links in SAX.
When you post a link in the IRC chat room, saxjax formats it in a clickable link. You can do the same in SAX!
► [url=]LinkText[/url]
You cannot do [url][/url]!
That's all for now!
Wow this is really useful thank you
ZachAttack4321: Thanks for clarifying; I actually thought your comment was a sarcastic reply to Ephraim B's post.
Random unrelated question: is !saxignore still a thing? Just curious.
Travis wrote:
ZachAttack4321: Thanks for clarifying; I actually thought your comment was a sarcastic reply to Ephraim B's post.
Random unrelated question: is !saxignore still a thing? Just curious.
Sadly, I don't think it was ever a thing, although it's a feature I've thought a lot about in recent months.
KermMartian wrote:
Sadly, I don't think it was ever a thing, although it's a feature I've thought a lot about in recent months.
Oh, I thought I'd seen it used before. I even added some nikkybot patterns for it.
Travis wrote:
KermMartian wrote:
Travis wrote:
Random unrelated question: is !saxignore still a thing? Just curious.
Sadly, I don't think it was ever a thing, although it's a feature I've thought a lot about in recent months.
Oh, I thought I'd seen it used before. I even added some nikkybot patterns for it. Ohhhh, that. Yes, normal users on IRC can vote to make saxjax ignore a particular user, and an op voting will instantly make the ignore stick. I was confused because it's a saxjax feature rather than a SAX feature; there's no way to ignore other users on SAX.
KermMartian wrote:
Ohhhh, that. Yes, normal users on IRC can vote to make saxjax ignore a particular user, and an op voting will instantly make the ignore stick. I was confused because it's a saxjax feature rather than a SAX feature; there's no way to ignore other users on SAX.
Ah, makes sense. I tend to forget SAX and saxjax aren't the same thing.
Is it possible to have it filter out swearwords? Like instead of of saying "Hell" (only for a example, don't actually want to swear), it says "He**" or some other combination?
It already does. It's just that Hell isn't even close to swearing unless you have lived under a rock since 1955 or have sand in your v...
To add on to DJ_O, sax uses the forums (phpBB) word censor list. Which, those words are replaced with "a." So you won't really be able to tell if someone uses a swear word because it'll look like a randomly placed letter nor will you really be able to discern the word they did use (unless it's obvious).