For quite a while, I've been occasionally generating post activity graphs in Excel, using a CSV day,post values dumped from a custom script on Cemetech. For a few days I have been wanting to make a PHP script that would automatically generate such graphs for me, and after an evening of stealing code from my wonderful and sadly no-longer-active WorldTrends project, discontinued because it was sucking down massive amounts of Jatol's CPU time and memory space, I have a nice automatically-generated graph up and running. At 4am every morning, the cron job that performs backend Cemetech maintenance like archives statistics updates, SAX log cleanup and archiving, SourceCoder cache cleanup, and front-page stats updating will regenerate the following graph. Notice that it shows a graph of daily posts, including data points at the actual postcount for each day, plus a 30-day moving average (black thick line).
As you can see, within August 2010 we had our first two 300+ post days since early 2005, and the 30-day moving average is surging towards 150 posts per day. Please feel free to comment onand suggest improvements to this graph, I'd be happy to generate additional graphs like member growth over time, topic creation over time, and other similar data, and here's to a fall of heavy posting!
As you can see, within August 2010 we had our first two 300+ post days since early 2005, and the 30-day moving average is surging towards 150 posts per day. Please feel free to comment onand suggest improvements to this graph, I'd be happy to generate additional graphs like member growth over time, topic creation over time, and other similar data, and here's to a fall of heavy posting!