Hey guys,
I'm getting pretty swamped with projects. I can handle it, but its going to take a while to get them all done. So, I want the community's opinion. Please rank the following projects in order of how much work I should spend on each:
Advance Wars
SirCmpwn wrote:
Hey guys,
I'm getting pretty swamped with projects. I can handle it, but its going to take a while to get them all done. So, I want the community's opinion. Please rank the following projects in order of how much work I should spend on each:
Advance Wars
Can you give us a bit more detail on each of the projects? I know tiDE is an computer-side ASM programming tool/suite, Mosaic is an oncalc ASM programming tool/suite, but I'm not sure what the main goals of KnightOS are (and it is a MASSIVE undertaking to write an OS), and I'm not too familiar with your final two projects.
tiDE: PC side assembly IDE based on Visual Studio
Mosaic: Calc side assembly IDE
KnightOS: Third party OS based on a filesystem and mouse-less GUI
HL2: OC: Half-Life 2 on-calc clone
Advance Wars: Axe parser contest entry, based on the DS version of the game
I'd think that Mosaic would be the most original and useful of the bunch. We'll have to debate and discuss this more in some KnightOS-specific topic, but Filesystem based? Aren't all OSes built on some kind of filesystem? You could equally call the TI-OS a mouse-less GUI built on a filesystem.
As the Axe programming contest has a set deadline, that's obviously priority #1.
Mosaic honestly I don't think is going to be all that helpful; people have wanted oncalc assembly IDEs for years and finally got their wish with ZAC way back in the days of the 86, which ended up being a sort of social experiment on the viability and the usefulness of having such a thing -- no one used it, and the demand for that died down a little.
As for HL2, I can't comment on games or rank them with anything else.
tiDE and KnightOS are a tie in my eyes...a new IDE would be nice, but we could also really use some third-party OS competition. Perhaps you could do both...develop tiDE for yourself as the IDE used to write KnightOS, and as it gets further along maybe you can release it to the public.
@KermMartian, let me discuss what I meant there for a sec. A filesystem as in a directory based filesystem, where the actual OS resides in the filesystem, unlike TIOS. And I consider TIOS to be mostly a command line style interface, not a GUI.
@BrandonW, a surprising number of people have been excited about Mosaic. Also, Advance Wars is pretty high up there, too. tiDE has a lot of excitement over at Omnimaga, so I don't know about keeping that one to myself.
BrandonW wrote:
[...]Mosaic honestly I don't think is going to be all that helpful; people have wanted oncalc assembly IDEs for years and finally got their wish with ZAC way back in the days of the 86, which ended up being a sort of social experiment on the viability and the usefulness of having such a thing -- no one used it, and the demand for that died down a little.[...]
I'm quite surprised to hear it. People have been clamoring for an oncalc ASM IDE for the TI-83+/84+-series for as long as I can remember, and I would expect everyone to be overjoyed and start writing millions of ASM programs once one was complete. That's disappointing to hear that that happened with the TI-86, and I suppose that I could see people finally realizing that it's so much easier to code on a computer with a full keyboard than on a calculator once such a tool was actually available.
KermMartian wrote:
I'm quite surprised to hear it. People have been clamoring for an oncalc ASM IDE for the TI-83+/84+-series for as long as I can remember, and I would expect everyone to be overjoyed and start writing millions of ASM programs once one was complete. That's disappointing to hear that that happened with the TI-86, and I suppose that I could see people finally realizing that it's so much easier to code on a computer with a full keyboard than on a calculator once such a tool was actually available.
Well, lucky for us Mosaic supports usb8x ;D
"Supports" or "will support"? I feel like you're playing fast and loose with tenses and your projects.
Well, it sort of half-supports it atm.
SirCmpwn wrote:
Well, it sort of half-supports it atm.
In that some sections support it and some do not, or as in the whole thing supports it, with some bugs?
As in I have reading files from a flash drive done, and I can talk to a keyboard, but without the text editor done this doesn't mean much.
SirCmpwn wrote:
As in I have reading files from a flash drive done, and I can talk to a keyboard, but without the text editor done this doesn't mean much.
Ah, that makes sense, I thought you had a text editor already. Will you be using the Doors CS GUI routines for your text editor? One thing I'm planning is making use of the edit buffer routines for editing in multiline textboxes, to avoid all of the slow InsertMem/DelMem'ing that it currently performs.
At the same time, I'd like to hear more about KnightOS, and more of what you envision with the whole "filesystem" and "mouseless GUI" plan.
I'm afraid I don't want to require my users to have DCS installed.
The filesystem driver is based on a mounted system, where it can mount a filesystem, be it KFS, FAT, either from internal memory or an external flash drive, and allow access to files.
The mouseless GUI is like DCS without the mouse, and build around mouseless interfaces.
SirCmpwn wrote:
The filesystem driver is based on a mounted system, where it can mount a filesystem, be it KFS, FAT, either from internal memory or an external flash drive, and allow access to files.[...]
As BrandonW was saying on #cemetech on Efnet, doesn't the boot code require that at least some parts of the OS reside in ROM, as opposed to an external device?
When transferring an OS, the boot code will only allow you to write to pages 0x00-0x0F and 0x10/0x30/0x70+.
You must have at least one privileged page (0x7C or 0x7D) if you want to be able to unlock and write to Flash (basically a necessity for an OS).
You must have a valid page 0 written with the first half of the OS valid marker set at 0x0057, as well as another marker at 0x0026 and a jump at 0x0053, which is where the boot code will transfer control to your OS.
Anything else is entirely up to you.
Meh, it is all so good thats i cant tell!!
qazz42 wrote:
Meh, it is all so good thats i cant tell!!
Do any of the five interest you less than the others? For example, you're a BASIC programmer, not an ASM programmer, so I would presume that tiDE and Mosaic would be useless to you at the moment.