Nearly 4 months later, here's a new build.
Main changes between the second TILP II 1.18 Windows beta build and this one:
near-complete German translation, contributed through Debian downstream (I don't speak German, so help needed for keeping the translation up to date)
addition: two commands for sending and reading generic data in NavNet format from a Nspire, similar to TI's TI_NN_Write and TI_NN_Read. They shall be useful for e.g. pacspire.
addition: like other commands before, 89 DBUS commands and 80 DBUS commands are exported from the library and become directly usable. As far as I'm concerned, this completes the command hardening and direct exportation: the remaining models (82, 85, 92) are ancient, it doesn't make as much sense to export their commands directly.
bugfix: a crasher in libtifiles, spotted by AddressSanitizer.
The usual links:
* Windows installer download: .
* Source code: + .
* patches not yet committed to Git:, (the timestamps are very close to each other because I rewrote nearly every patch to add the forgotten Signed-off-by tag).
* install script for anything non-Windows which is handled by TILP: .
The TODO list contains items such as, but not limited to:
* finish introduction of a fifth libti* library, dubbed "libtiopers", for factoring code useful to multiple libti* clients. For now, there's pretty little in the new library, and disentangling is not that easy...
* finish GTK+3 compatibility patch;
* add a TILP menu entry for exiting the PTT mode (greyed out if not connected to a Nspire), the feature request indirectly sprang up yesterday again on #omnimaga;
* make Nspire "ROM dumping" (OS dumping) work on all models, by duplicating BrandonW's Fron;
* minor installer and file encoding fixes.
EDIT in 2021: updated the link to the *nix install script.