The primary goal of this forum is to foster intellectual discussion, particularly around technology related topics, and to collaborate on creative works. We also hope to foster an environment which supports freedom of expression, however we strongly emphasize that it is not the proper channel for the sharing or discussion of anything that could reasonably be considered obscene materials. We understand that some of you have....alternative....interests, that are not widely shared and you may feel a need to share these somewhere that you can feel safe from personal attacks because of these interests. There are appropriate channels for such things to be discussed, and ask that you limit your discussion of such topics to those channels in order to maintain a family and kid friendly atmosphere at Cemetech. We also understand that some of you, including various of long standing members, enjoy being disruptive to the community as a primary source of entertainment, and in general we're pretty lenient about these things. This leniency is extended to "trolling" obviously, and humorously, inaccurate statements, as well as to situations where the trolling is obviously meant in jest. In the future we will not extend such lenience to sustained personal attacks on an individual's religious beliefs (this is distinct from respectful, or even boisterous debating), or your view of their mental capacity. It will also not be extended to comments that are made with the clear intent of being shockingly offensive.
To enforce these policies we will begin implementing the following disciplinary policy.
As these disciplinary measures are being codified for the first time, I would like to make it clear that we have been particularly lenient with DShiznit over the last few weeks while Kerm and I discussed disciplinary measure. You have officially been warned, and your next offense will be considered your fourth. It could very well have been fifth or sixth. For the most part "friendly reminders" for minor infractions will not be considered an offense. From this point forward, forum members linking to, embedding, or otherwise posting obscene or deeply offensive materials will not be given a friendly reminder.
To enforce these policies we will begin implementing the following disciplinary policy.
- First two offenses are warnings
- Third offense is a 1 day tempban.
- Fourth offense is a 2 day tempban.
- Fifth offense is a permanent ban with the chance for a private appeal (via AIM or email) to the admins
- The six offense is a permanent ban and you will not be reinstated
As these disciplinary measures are being codified for the first time, I would like to make it clear that we have been particularly lenient with DShiznit over the last few weeks while Kerm and I discussed disciplinary measure. You have officially been warned, and your next offense will be considered your fourth. It could very well have been fifth or sixth. For the most part "friendly reminders" for minor infractions will not be considered an offense. From this point forward, forum members linking to, embedding, or otherwise posting obscene or deeply offensive materials will not be given a friendly reminder.