- Basic Lightning Game
- 05 Apr 2007 05:20:13 pm
- Last edited by TheStorm on 09 Apr 2007 08:11:54 am; edited 3 times in total
I've been working on this game for a while and i think i'm ready to release the first version of it but can any one take a look and give some suggestions
:If not(∟LHS(1
:StorePic 1
:Lbl C
:DelVar SDelVar DRecallPic 1
:Text({-}1,8,6,"LIGHTNING v2.1
:Text(19,25,"BY JON STURM
:Text({-}1,29,6,"1- PLAY
:Text({-}1,37,6,"2- WATCH
:Text({-}1,45,6,"3- SCORES
:Text({-}1,53,6,"4- EXIT
:DelVar {L1}
:Lbl Z
:Repeat K:getKey→K:End
:If K=92
:Goto 1
:If K=93
:Goto 2
:If K=94
:Goto 4
:If K=82 or K=45 or K=22
:Goto 3
:Goto Z
:Lbl 4
:Goto C
:Lbl 1
:Lbl 2
:DelVar L
:RecallPic 1
:Repeat getKey=45
:If D
:If not(D
:G+3A(G+3A>0 and G+3A<95→W
:If D
:If C=26 or C=24 or V≥60
:P+2((C=26 and P<91)-(C=24 and P>3)→P
:If V≤13 and abs(P-W)≤5
:1→L:Goto A
:Lbl A
:StorePic 2:ClrDraw:RecallPic 2
:If L
:Goto G
:ClrDraw:RecallPic 1
:If not(D
:Goto C
:Lbl G
:If S>∟LHS(1
:DelVar H
:DelVar ∟LHS
:Goto 4
:Text(15,24," Ha Ha You Lose!
:Text(23,25," Your Score= ",S
:Goto C
:Lbl 3
:DelVar Pic1DelVar Pic2DelVar Str3