Harrierfalcon wrote:
I think Pseduoprogrammer has a fast circle routine...it might be faster than this, I'm not sure since I don't have it on me at the moment.
faster than Circle( + i ?
not really sure, but the circle(#,#,#,{i is pretty darned fast.
Thinking I might spend some time today and see what I can't do to help star trek along a little bit, with a small update or something. =]
I don't know about that, but this is the difference between a normal and enhanced circle..
tifreak8x wrote:
I don't know about that, but this is the difference between a normal and enhanced circle..

I think the latter was faster , plus it visually feels faster because more the general outline of the circle is perceived quicker...
Oh, it definitely is faster, and I think I already added it to the 83+ version, but I am not sure. I could have not known about it back then. *shrugs*
Just something else to look for once I get to updating the game.
how fast does it run on a 83+?
tifreak8x wrote:
not really sure, but the circle(#,#,#,{i is pretty darned fast.
what is that?? I've never seen a 4th argument for circle...
I just tried that....wtf? WTF?
You didn't know that? it's kind of like adding a -1 to the start of text( to make it big, and the reverse line thing (I can't remember the syntax for that one)
I've never seen that anywhere. I even just looked on TI Basic Dev and didn't see it mentioned.
hmm, wierd maybe we should get them to add it.
lol, yeah, it is relatively new, but I don't know why it hasn't been added to that site. *shrugs*
One of the many things I need to do for my site, update on them blasted tutorials. =/
elfprince13 wrote:
tifreak8x wrote:
not really sure, but the circle(#,#,#,{i is pretty darned fast.
what is that?? I've never seen a 4<sup>th</sup> argument for circle...
I just tried that....wtf? WTF?
lol, I thought the same thing when I tried it for the first time =D
Heh, it's an undocumented trick that they put in but never really mentioned to anyone. I'm not sure who noticed it, perhaps BrandonW rifling through the source code?
Well they don't really advertise the text or line or the different kinds of points you can make either, although the latter two might at least be in the reference section of the manual......but wth kind of syntax is Circle(float, float, float, complexlist)?
Oh hey, I'm necro posting. I must be a bot, because, that is what all the cool bots like me do, necro post. I should post you a link, so you like, know that I'm a bot.
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I'm going to take this moment and brag about how Tokens is making this re-write easier for you
I hope to see some screenies!
It's cool that this is being picked up again. I can't wait to see where it (and PP) end up!
Haha, yes, let's keep the bragging going.
I used Tokens to combine 4 programs, removed conditionals, and dropped it all into a single appvar that Tokens happily compiled for me.
And hopefully I can finish integrating the new programs into the game tomorrow sometime.
@elf: Yeah, now that I have Celtic 2, I can move stuff out of RAM and into ROM and maybe see what I can do about having the Borg fire back