*bump* To Do list has been updated.
Doors CS 6: TO DO
[ ] Routines for the following
[ ] GUISMultilineType
[ ] FindLineEnd
[ ] Misalignment
[ ] Carriage return
[ ] Textinr_cursor_down
[ ] finish text input routines for the GUI
[ ] FileOpen archived handling:
[X] filename
[ ] unarchive file if chosen
[ ] unknown type problem with APs
[ ] RunProg entry point
[ ] Fix enable Cn2 dcsMenu crash
[ ] DCSMenu delay on menu close
[ ] Alpha/2nd still not debounced on close
[ ] complete Cn2 support
[ ] Do something with the Link screen
[ ] AP open & save as routines & GUls
[ ] Defragmenting.... problem
[ ] Alpha sorting
[ ] GUI Insufficient RAM invokes err handler, not internal handler
[ ] the multilingual thing: I'm thinking of just making multilingual versions...
-[ ] hotkey definitions for GUIMouse
-[ ] GUIfy deaktop routines
-[ ] Drag and drop multiple files to a folder
-[ ] Goto location (ex, /Games/MyGAme) [Good idea. Maybe a 6.x feature.]
-[ ] Search for file [Good idea. Maybe a 6.x feature.]
-[ ] renable silent link for BASIC and ASM programs