Four years ago now, I put together a throwaway project called Stannis Botratheon, modeled off the most admirable trait of my favorite grammarian, Stannis of the House Baratheon, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm. Specifically, Stannis was known for correcting other characters who incorrectly used "less" rather than "fewer".
This bot was intended to watch a subreddit (e.g., r/GameOfThrones), looking for posts that contain "less ". When it sees this sequence, it uses Spacy's NLP tools to scan for "less [noun]" in the given post, and for each instance, check to see if the noun is a NNS (plural, countable noun, rather than a singular noun or a mass noun like "water"). If it is, the bot responds to the Reddit post with:
Unfortunately, r/GameOfThrones apparently doesn't take kindly to bots, and that put a quick end to this bot equivalent of ****posting.
This bot was intended to watch a subreddit (e.g., r/GameOfThrones), looking for posts that contain "less ". When it sees this sequence, it uses Spacy's NLP tools to scan for "less [noun]" in the given post, and for each instance, check to see if the noun is a NNS (plural, countable noun, rather than a singular noun or a mass noun like "water"). If it is, the bot responds to the Reddit post with:
Unfortunately, r/GameOfThrones apparently doesn't take kindly to bots, and that put a quick end to this bot equivalent of ****posting.