Made additional changes with the project, almost all of which were started on
another branch. The following has been accomplished:
* Changed character encoding method to allow almost the entire range of possible characters.
So far most of just the ASCII set is covered. Help us out and write your own encoding file to improve character map coverage!
* Changed loader method to allow renamable font files.
* Fixed some issues with the hook that prevented the catalog help and matrix editor from working properly.
* Added another buildable filetype to omit the loader to slightly improve storage and limit the clutter of the programs menu. Not usable as of yet.
* Added a place to put examples so you can try out some fonts out of the box.
What remains to do is to write a font previewing program so the user can do preview and load appvar-stored fonts. I also intend to allow the program to view fonts packed together in group files and load the font directly from there (a really hacky way for *real* font packs).
I also need to take (another) more comprehensive look at the localization hook to make sure that other lesser known aspects of the OS are handled properly. Thanks, TLM, for the bug report wrt catalog help, and Jacobly for your work on running through the OS for all calls to the localization hook (there were so many!). The latter of which resulted in finding out that the matrix editor was bugged, and possibly even the error message you get when you try to archive a variable with insufficient space.
Thanks again, everyone, for your continued support! And remember to file bug reports; they help quite a bit.
EDIT: Might as well add a screenshot of something that got posted a few nights ago in Discord when I went on a wild font testing spree. I went through a number of constructed scripts and fantasy fonts and had an absolutely criminal amount of fun while doing so. Here's one of the better looking results of that night: