(In case you miss the reference)
Welcome to the end-of-days, Cemetechians, or at least it would so appear based on the toilet paper aisles at your favorite supermarket. How's everyone doing in terms of staying healthy, preparation, mental health, and the safety of your family? Do you have any particular projects to keep yourself occupied while you're stuck at home? Best of luck and health to everyone!
Hiding at home staying healthy avoiding interaction where possible....arguably easier then it has any right to be!
As a new home owner plenty todo, Working on demo and electrical work in the interim as well as getting some one ups on work engineering projects while the time allows!
I'm doing pretty good (at least nobody in my family has corona!). I still need to do homework

but everything else is great!
(BTW I like the reference

Edit: I also am doing coding projects on my CE (can't believe I forgot to include that in my post)
KMisthebomb wrote:
I'm doing pretty good (at least nobody in my family has corona!). I still need to do homework

but everything else is great!
(BTW I like the reference

I hope they all stay healthy, and homework is good for your brain!
Any projects?
geekboy1011 wrote:
As a new home owner plenty todo, Working on demo and electrical work in the interim as well as getting some one ups on work engineering projects while the time allows!
I envy you those home projects; this would be such a perfect opportunity to own a home and be working on home-improvement projects! I hope you find it to be a productive time (and that you don't have to go get too many supplies from the store).
I'll talk more about me soon, but I will say (and I bet a bunch of you agree) that being semi-forced to stay home and work on stuff without a lot of people interrupting is kind of a dream (modulo the whole economy collapsing, people getting sick and dying thing, obviously).
Hate the coronaVIRUS, not because I'm afraid of getting sick or I know of someone who is sick, but because my parents think that this pandemic is an opportune time to make me do all manner of menial/gross/stupid/dirty/muddy/etc. work outside. I for one do not enjoy weeding/trimming/etc. in my two weeks (probably more) off from school.
Edit: I still have a buttload of homework
I'm only one day into doing schoolwork at home, and I can already tell the hardest part is going to be finding motivation to do work. So far the teachers haven't assigned too much work, though

. I'm hoping to have plenty of time to work on personal projects (and PotM's

) as well.
As far as my family, not a ton has actually changed, besides everyone staying home all the time. I guess we were lucky to not have to go to the store at all before today, and there were plenty of supplies there after the initial rush.
Jeffitus and I both posted at
exactly the same time.
Do I get a medal for this?
Got a couple weeks off from school, but already came down with something. I guess I will have to see how that turns out.
In the meantime, I have ordered parts to construct an antenna to receive NOAA weather satellites.
The Quebec government is encouraging employers to approve work from home policies for as many employees as possible. (Among many other restrictions and rules of course)
I currently work both as a service technician for an ISP and a full-time developer for a Canadian firm. Both have requested that I work from home so my next 2 weeks will be pretty busy.
Finding the positives in any situation is a good thing - great thread Kerm!
In Australia most places are organising working from home arrangements where possible and the supermarkets are going crazy.
I have lots of work to do so I'll be pretty busy ... but that's normal

Stay safe everyone!
Ironically, if I had a break for another reason than COVID-19, I would still be doing the exact same thing: Staying indoors all day, trying in vain to figure out what's gone wrong with my raspberry pi now.
The wise thing to do take this chance to try to learn assembly, but what I'm probably going to do is sit around and work on my raspberry pi 3 b+ like crazy and attempt to furiously decrypt the yet-still-unsolved ciphers in gravity falls. Anyways, we'll get through this!
Well, more and more buildings/stores are getting closed these days, so I guess I have to spend more time at home. That means I have more free time for programming
Well, after cancelled vacation and as the number of confirmed cases around me rise, I'm working from home, working on C# side-projects, and enjoying a bit of Halo.
I'm planning on actually learning C/ICE for the TI-84 + CE, since I tried starting an ambitious project with almost no C skill (only C++ for Arduino). Mainly life is the same for me: I hide from my family in the garage, come in to teach my younger brother the fine arts of electronics, eat Altoids, and walk out on the front porch to see if the world still exists. I actually just reclaimed a bunch of wood from a building renovation and I plan on building stackable tables for a shelf (so far I have one table, and his brethren will join him soon). I hope to start learning how to cook, maybe make my own bread, and maybe get started on all this homework I have now.
Apocalypse To-Do List: Clear out all the remaining stores of Altoids, learn how to make my own hand soap, get homework done, build tables, build barricades to stop rioting looters, fix old ham radio kit in my garage, and hunt the massive armadillo population for food when the stores all shut down.
I wish you all a merry quarantine!
KermMartian wrote:
Do you have any particular projects to keep yourself occupied while you're stuck at home?
Well, today was the last in-office day. We'll be WFH until at least April 6th, but we're preparing for longer.
I have four work projects for these next 2.5 weeks. One is wiping nine computers and reinstalling Windows 10 on them so our kids can use them. I'll also need to install MS Office as well.
Project Two is creating templates for our office use. The main office has templates but they're a 4:3 aspect ratio and for dedicated business projects, so nothing that would really benefit a basic/general office power point.
Project Three is a deep dive into our student data. Every staff meeting is just a bunch of tables with numbers and dates and I can't work with those. It's not data strictly for me, it's just a general TL;DR of metrics from the past week. However, I understand data much better when it is digestible, so this means pretty graphs and charts.
The graph I made was well received so now I want to gain access to the raw data and create more of these and maybe automate these charts and graphs as best I can.
Project Four is getting our meetings ready for remote work. We have purchased a dial-in phone number from Microsoft for meetings but haven't gotten it to work yet. So I'll need to wrestle with our contracted IT company to help me fix this, as well as with the computers I need to reimage.
Now, personal projects? That's hard. Probably up my still life photography and maybe finally try water droplet shots. Continuing work on my cringe-ly secretive project. I haven't touched that project since April or May 2019, and it's definitely time.
I've also been a tad absent on Cemetech as well. Some of that has to do with work but also because I moved and don't exactly have the computer freedom to be active here as much; spending what free time I have making new friends and getting to know the city and state. But now that I'm WFH I'll be able to post on Cemetech during work hours again!
We started to self-isolate yesterday and beginning today we will only go out when absolutely necessary. Everyone is doing pretty well mentally and physically.
As for projects, I have a bunch of things planned with my Macintosh collection. Setting up systems, upgrading them, etc. I have a DVD burner coming in the mail for my Power Mac G4 and I just got an iBook, so those will keep me busy for quite a bit.
I also have music projects to work on among other things.
EDIT: Also school, which includes some photography stuff (looks at Alex)
We are going slowly to isolation and going out as necessary, cleaning the hands as much possible...
I will continue to work and develop other stuff until things go wrong. Maybe update more often the current projects...
By this time PT_PT country is going to declare emergency...
Hope the best to all.
I have been more or less neglecting Fruit Ninja CE, though I have made some small improvements as of late.
What Iโm more excited about though is that Iโve been able to
write more, Iโm working on some videos for my
YouTube channel, and I also learned how to stream on
my twitch! I played some Minecraft and did some asmr last night

I think Iโm a bit awkward lol but Iโve learned not to be so self conscious about that.
Since weโre still able to go out and about where I live, Iโve been biking and running and hiking more lately which has been great! Thinking about going camping soon, but maybe itโs more socially acceptable at the moment to strictly stay home? I donโt know. Still keeping social distance all the time.
I think this is a great time for self-expression, Iโm loving the surge of art and social connection that is going on online at the moment.
Michael2_3B wrote:
I have been more or less neglecting Fruit Ninja CE, though I have made some small improvements as of late.
What Iโm more excited about though is that Iโve been able to
write more, Iโm working on some videos for my YouTube channel, and I also learned how to stream on
my twitch! I played some Minecraft and did some asmr last night

I think Iโm a bit awkward 0x5 but Iโve learned not to be so self conscious about that.
Since weโre still able to go out and about, Iโve been biking and running and hiking more lately which has been great! Thinking about going camping soon, but maybe itโs more socially acceptable at the moment to strictly stay home? I donโt know. Still keeping social distance all the time.
I think this is a great time for self-expression, Iโm loving the surge of art and social connection that is going on online at the moment.
Great job on the asmr streams!
Have any of you tried the powder toy: