Find and Replace any element in a string
The variables you need are
1. T, which is the number of the element inside the string to be replaced.
2. str1, which is the original string you're searching through.
3. str2, which is the thing you're replacing T element with... to make it an int you could use toString(variable) instead.
sub(sub(Str1,1,T-(T!=1))+str2+sub(Str1,T+(T!=length(str1))),length(Str1)-T+(T=length(str1))),2(T=1)+(T!=1),length(Str1) -> Str1
(I don't know if someone already posted something similar in this thread somewhere or not... I didn't look through)
OH,and forgot to mention this, but you could make this a thing to search the string for something and replace it by just making the variable T =Code: inString(str1,"string to be searched for")