Homescreen Vertical Scrolling Engine
I created a nice homescreen vertical scrolling engine for the TI-83+ family. It's specifically written for the CSE, however I will comment with changes if you want to make it a monochrome engine. I intend to use this to make a CSE game of some sort, but I'll have to think.
(I know that there are some quotes left in, but that's for the formatting of the code blocks)
Uses all variables in the DelVar line at the end.
I created a nice homescreen vertical scrolling engine for the TI-83+ family. It's specifically written for the CSE, however I will comment with changes if you want to make it a monochrome engine. I intend to use this to make a CSE game of some sort, but I'll have to think.
(I know that there are some quotes left in, but that's for the formatting of the code blocks)
Uses all variables in the DelVar line at the end.
"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"→Str1 ;26 Xs for the top boundary, remove 10
For(θ,1,10 ; you could change the third argument to any number (be careful though!), but for the CSE I used 10.
Str1+"X X"→Str1 ;24 spaces for the inside, remove 10
Str1+"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"→Str1 ;same deal as the first 26 Xs.
53→A:260→B ; Change B to 8*16 or 128. Change A to ((third For( argument + 2) - maximum amount of lines on the homescreen) *26 or 16) + 1. So for this example, ((12-10)*26)+1=53.
12→V:9→W ;change W to 7
Repeat K=105:getKey→K
If K:Output(W,V," "
min(25,max(2,V+sum(DeltaList(K={24,26→V ;change the number in min( to 15
min(9,max(2,W+sum(DeltaList(K={25,34→W ;change the number in min( to 7
If 2=Wnot(A<3) or 9=Wnot(A>51:Then:A-26(W=2)+26(W=9→A:If not(A:1→A:3(W=2)+8(W=9→W ;change all "W=9" to W=7 (including "9=Wnot(A>51" and the -26 and +26 to -/+16
DelVar ADelVar BDelVar KDelVar VDelVar WDelVar Str1