Thanks for the programs and well wishes everyone! I had fun trying them to see their output.
This is the part when I instinctively don my PotM hat and write reviews for all the programs here.
I ran beck's program despite warnings from him that the total output would be like 4 gigabytes, if I recall correctly. Needless to say, I aborted quickly

Very nice language, and I hope to see where FLIO goes.
RogerWilco's short but sweet program is just that! He should be using a While
(6+true), @Battlesquid, our resident javascript "genius"? hehe loop for that task, though.
I had a hearty laugh upon first looking at command's program- I absolutely love the ingenuity of jsf*. Easily one of my favorite "esolang"s
quotes because not its own esolang, it's normal javascript that only uses 5 different characters, !+-[](). of all time.
I also laughed when seeing SM84CE's comment, reminds me of a time on HCWP over a year ago when I opened up ICE on my screencasted CEmu and womp and PT_ were practically shouting at me to type
det(0), the graphics begin command, for a full five minutes. Good times :
kg583's program looks pretty cool, love the idea of getting a flashing border like that, very creative and clever implementation. I clearly need to step up my
text-animation game.
calclover's assembly program is pretty sweet- very nice looking. I should also step up
my assembly game- my exiting of programs isn't quite as gentle as his. Loved it.